Architects - Hollow Crown

fuck that
i think i love this album more than ryan does
perfection all over
Everything sounds so good, snare is incredibleeeee. Question - is that tone from a 5150 or a Krank? I've heard that sort of tone coming out recently, most notably on Suicide Season, this album and new Bury Your Dead, and I really really like it.
Reamp with this tone plz
NY architects > british one :3

i do love that cd though but man dude they are uks american me so filthy and angry
Its a fucking awesome album with awesome tone. I don't like the way the vocals feel slightly burried, but apart from that it is perfect.

hmmm, maybe i'm missing something here... why do you all like the guitar tone so much? I think it's good, but not great..... it sounds good, but it's not something I'd make a big deal about... also, I like the cd, but the music is a little bit generic, even compared to other stuff the band has done before
I'm pretty certain its a Fiddy 1 Fiddy!

I recorded in the same studio a couple months afterwards and we kept pestering the engineer about it.

Got to hear the seperate audio from the tracks aswell which was awesome. quite alot in there i didn't notice, one of the tracks you've could've easily turnt into an ambient song when you took away the guitars.:kickass:
I love this album. There is something very charming about the mix, and I love that it is slightly too bassy. It definately is an interesting and unique mix compared to everything else I have heard that sounds similar. And the dude on the vocals is just insane... I can totally feel all the emotions from every one of his words, it's incredible.
I can't stand this band. Pretty good sounding album mix-wise, but I just live in the same town as them, and I've seen them SO many times. Used to be much better with Matt on vocals...

have to disagree with you there, played with them wen they had matt o vocals, and i wasnt very impressed even though i loved them at the time

then saw them with the new guy back in november, and they were MUCH better

but i guess its a personal preference