Arcturus scheduled for Southern Discomfort Metal Festival

But I can't just jump to the conclusion that Arcturus' music blows simply because of their ProgPower cancellation and hyper-lame excuse.

Agree completely. I've always been someone that judges the art separate from the person and entity. I still like Arcturus and if they do further albums, I will still get them, despite what they did. What they did was absolute fucking bullshit, especially now that they're supposedly playing other fests; however, if I enjoy their music, I enjoy their music.
I never liked them, and yeah, very unprofessional. But I do see the point of Sumeet. If they were still on the roster, there wouldn't be as much criticism of the quality of the band as there is right now. Makes us look as petty as they are.

Although gotta agree with Zod too. Isahn is definitely an upgrade. Although I don't like Isahn either.:loco:
I will reserve a rant about some Harvester sycophanting on this forum, but some of the "fuck those assholes in Arcturus" folks have to like their music right? I understand they fucked over the promoter in a terribly unprofessional way, but that doesn't take away from the fact that they are one of the most musically transcendent and important avant garde black metal bands ever to exist. They push the envelope of what metal can actually be, and would have been amazing to have.

Therefore, I think the appropriate reaction for any fan of Arcturus at all should be disappointment. Disappointment that they would have handled the situation in such a way that they will likely never be invited back. And for those of you who wait for the announcement before you check out bands you've never heard before, Arcturus are amazing and should still be in your "to listen to" folder. Check out La Masquerade Infernale and The Sham Mirrors. Seriously, they're awesome. It just sucks that they've done this to our faithful leader. Just don't be so unwaveringly loyal to the Parrot-headed master that it ruins your chance to appreciate some of the most progressive music out there. Any "prog" fan should have some appreciation of what Arcturus has done musically.
I will reserve a rant about some Harvester sycophanting on this forum, but some of the "fuck those assholes in Arcturus" folks have to like their music right? I understand they fucked over the promoter in a terribly unprofessional way, but that doesn't take away from the fact that they are one of the most musically transcendent and important avant garde black metal bands ever to exist. They push the envelope of what metal can actually be, and would have been amazing to have.

Therefore, I think the appropriate reaction for any fan of Arcturus at all should be disappointment. Disappointment that they would have handled the situation in such a way that they will likely never be invited back. And for those of you who wait for the announcement before you check out bands you've never heard before, Arcturus are amazing and should still be in your "to listen to" folder. Check out La Masquerade Infernale and The Sham Mirrors. Seriously, they're awesome. It just sucks that they've done this to our faithful leader. Just don't be so unwaveringly loyal to the Parrot-headed master that it ruins your chance to appreciate some of the most progressive music out there. Any "prog" fan should have some appreciation of what Arcturus has done musically.

So... you've never stopped liking a band due to a bad personal experience, for instance? That type of stuff doesn't affect you?

Not saying that's the case with Arcturus with ME, but believe me - shit like that happens all the time.
Heh. Glenn's as quotable as Yogi Berra.

I've never stopped liking a band based on personal experience, but then again I still enjoy Chris Benoit matches and OJ Simpson in Naked Gun movies. The performance and the performer are separate for me.
So... you've never stopped liking a band due to a bad personal experience, for instance? That type of stuff doesn't affect you?

Not saying that's the case with Arcturus with ME, but believe me - shit like that happens all the time.

but what personal experience have you had with them? a fest date cancellation you take personally? hahaha. slow your roll, partner.

i love Arcturus and will still love them beyond this mess. I was the only person calling for Ihsahn last year so naturally i am beyond stoked to see him this year (i assume with Leprous as his band) so it's a definite upgrade, but Arcturus are still a great band to me as they have been for the last 15 years.

every band has unprofessional moments, unfortunately for us their moment happened with us being let down.
So... you've never stopped liking a band due to a bad personal experience, for instance? That type of stuff doesn't affect you?

Not saying that's the case with Arcturus with ME, but believe me - shit like that happens all the time.

It does indeed happen all the time, but that doesn't mean it makes sense... it's just an emotional reaction that someone can't let go of or can't get over. Personally, I can think of two specific instances where a band member of bands that I liked was a total douche either to me or to others who were present. I continue to be an avid fan of both bands to this day. After all, I didn't originally get into those bands because I thought the band members were great people, I got into them because I liked the music. So finding out that they're not nice, or at least were uncool on one occasion, has no particular bearing on anything. Witnessing the band members acting like assholes does not suddenly rewrite history or have any bearing whatsoever on the music. I may not choose to hang out with those individuals anymore (not that I would have had an opportunity to anyway), but I'll still listen to their music. Just like, for example, if I found out a musician I liked is a really bad driver, I might choose not to ride in a car with him, but I'd still listen to his music.

Also, the vast majority of times I've met musicians, they were cool. That didn't make me like their music any more or less though. Even most of the musicians I've met whose music I was not into were generally cool people... but I didn't start to like their music more just because we got along personally.
Agree completely. I've always been someone that judges the art separate from the person and entity. I still like Arcturus and if they do further albums, I will still get them, despite what they did. What they did was absolute fucking bullshit, especially now that they're supposedly playing other fests; however, if I enjoy their music, I enjoy their music.

I find this interesting, but I've also found that in a lot of cases, after interacting with a band, their attitude has directly influenced my enjoyment of their music.
I will reserve a rant about some Harvester sycophanting on this forum, but some of the "fuck those assholes in Arcturus" folks have to like their music right?

I'd never heard of them before they were announced, and based on the bullshit they pulled and their awful PR, I will never bother to give them a listen. There is simply too much music out there to bother dealing with jackoffs who have no respect.
I'd never heard of them before they were announced, and based on the bullshit they pulled and their awful PR, I will never bother to give them a listen. There is simply too much music out there to bother dealing with jackoffs who have no respect.

they still rule, and this whole mess still only adds to their oddball nature i am sad to say. :)
I guess music is too personal for me. When a band member has been a douchebag to me, I do take it personally, and remember it each and every time I hear them perform. In some cases, it's caused me to basically bail on their entire catalog, even if I used to love it. I listen to music for the emotional feeling. If that feeling is negative, then I can't enjoy it anymore.
but what personal experience have you had with them? a fest date cancellation you take personally? hahaha. slow your roll, partner.

I'm not talking about Arcturus, as I said on my post. However, if you want to sit down in Atlanta over a beer, I'll be happy to tell you some bad personal experiences that tainted certain bands' music forever with me. Manowar comes to mind, as many around here know it...

TribunalRecords said:
I was the only person calling for Ihsahn last year so naturally i am beyond stoked to see him this year (i assume with Leprous as his band)

No, you weren't. I also wanted Ihsahn at the festival BAD. I just didn't think it would happen. And yes, with Leprous as his band. :D
I guess music is too personal for me. When a band member has been a douchebag to me, I do take it personally, and remember it each and every time I hear them perform. In some cases, it's caused me to basically bail on their entire catalog, even if I used to love it. I listen to music for the emotional feeling. If that feeling is negative, then I can't enjoy it anymore.

It seems like what you're saying here is that liking someone's music means an implied assumption that they are also cool or friendly or at least non-douchey in person. So... based on this, you should make every effort to avoid meeting any musicians whose music you like, in order to minimize the chance that you will have to stop enjoying music that you currently like.