does anyone dig Arcturus....I think they're's like music being ripped from the Nightmare Before Christmas, especially Painting My Horror, but it's more evil, fucking awesome
bball_1523 said:I've heard their new cd. I like the first two tracks, but rest is kinda hard to get into. There's some weird parts like how they laugh in some of their songs.
oooppss, well I didn't know there was already a tread....too many bullshit threads in this forum hard to try and weed through it allFUBAR said:I agree love tracks 1,2,3 and 8, not too keen of the rest. Dunno why people say its better than 'The Sham Mirrors'...
Edit; oh yeah
it is quieter than the rest of the tracksCAIRATH said:Hey, so does anyone know what the deal with track 2 on the new album is? To me it sounds like it's more quiet (as in mastered differently) than the rest of the album and it has a weird pop at the end in the silent part between track 2 and 3 that doesn't really sound like part of the music.
Good and Evil said:I'm just starting to learn about them. I just bought the cd 'True Kings of Norway' with two of their songs: "My Angel" and "Morax". So far, so good.