are my vocals black metal style PASSABLE!?


New Metal Member
Apr 28, 2010
so heres the story, im a guitarist and ive been trying to find a band for 4 years now. But in my town its impossible, no one wants to commit to anything, people say they want to form a band and never want to actually practice or do anything, so lately ive been experimenting with EZ drummer trying to write songs on my own. I have a few worked out but none of them have vocals. I cant sing for my life, but today i was working on a black metal style song and decided for once to try my hand at vocals. this is the result. The song itself isnt finished and the lyrics are just shit i pretty much made up as i was going along. I know im no Abboth or Shagrath, im just wondering if i could make a demo with these vocals and not have people go "that guy is horrible! my ears!"

sorry if im in the wrong thread, im new here.
I'd invest in a better mic, but for thrashy black metal those are actually damn good. You could probably do without the reverb, but mess around and see what works.
thanks dude, i was using my built in computer mic, i have a real mic at my dads house so ill get that.