Clean vocals !!


New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2008
well guys
im looking to be Vocalist in doom band
i'm already doing death growling vocals and they say its good
and im working on Black wail...and its okay
but its not enough
im also working on clean vocals and that's my problem
im trying to get OPeratic pitchs
i really love markus stock Empyrium's vocalist
And i'd love to sing like him
at the begining i made agood progress and got agood pitch and me and my friends liked it soo much
then i got another pitch and it was soo deep like uaral's vocals
but after one month of hard work my voice started to become badly :erk::erk:
i dunno why but i tried to get the old pitch that i liked it and i couldent... the tone is completly diffrent
i heard that smoking may be usful for opratic vocals
so what do u think Guys:zombie:
Clean vocals take YEARS of practice and dedication. Find a vocal coach. There is simply no other way, aside from being innately talented and willing to sing constantly. And even then, a vocal coach would be necessary to really have an "operatic" voice.
I cant speak for many current clean metal vocalists but I would advise studying the early work of Queensryche's Geoff Tate, Helloweens Micheal Kiske, or currently Kamelots Roy Kahn. I personally dont believe there has been any better application of clean vocals for metal than Tate and Kahn. Both very expressive and dynamic, as close to operatic as I would like in metal. Tate in his youthful years was a phenomenon, perhaps a higher range than you are looking for but his phrasing, expression and power still impress. Kahn is as close to that, that I know of today.

Oh yeah... Jorn Lande as well, I've heard some very impressive work by him but dont own any.

Ya wanna sing, sing along with those guys and study their dynamics and expression.
Maybe he's not singing correctly. Operatic vocals takes a certain discipline to where you have to use your abdomen to relay the sound. When you put too much stress on your throat to release it you sometimes get flat/broken notes and sometimes (god forbid) pain.

Get someone to show you, it's not that hard to progress when you have the technique down correctly. It involves proper breathing and also posture. Keep in mind, that when you are also doing other types of vocals that require you to strain your throat, that could play in to how well you sing operatic vocals.

Though, I heard people say that screaming/growling can done in a fashion that doesn't harm you, but I've yet to see someone accredited in voice to prove that technique otherwise.

I wonder what type of vocal range the OP is... like basso or tenor... because if he originally a basso and is going for a tenor then it will strenuous.

Also, if your voice gets dry... do warm ups before singing. Smoking is not good for singing either...
nock off the insults or i'm closing the thread. sure his post was erm... different. but dont be assholes
I have been taking voice lessons for almost six years and had four different teachers.

The first then about singing is being relaxed, your shoulders should never move when you sing. Second is having a lot of space in your mouth when you sing, your mouth should be wide open when you sing. Third is
singing in pitch.

If you are serious about singing then I highly suggest you take voice lessons. Opera takes time, training and dedication to sing.
also, not only will honing your clean vocals take time, patience, and practice... blending the death growls with the black screams with operatic vocals take a certain and very hard to perfect technique.

good luck
well guys

i heard that smoking may be usful for opratic vocals
so what do u think Guys:zombie:

Smoking will not help ANY style of vocals. It probably wont hurt you in ther short term, but ten years from now if you are still singing it may very well take its toll.
My suggestion is listen to many different vocalists to find a range/style that ckicks with you. This includes newer bands and maybe oldschool stuff as well. Ronnie James Dio is a great vocalist..... just for example. Even if the music sounds dated, you can modernize it stylistically.

remember, your vocal cords/voice isn't fully developed until you're over 30 (or something like that), no serious and respected operasinger is especially young... it takes time..
I have been singing since childhood and have really unique vocal range. I sing both operatic and growl, and whatever in the middle of that styles as well. but! this takes really long time to learn singing.
to me, for taking the lowest sound like growl it usually involves the work of throat and the bottom of the abdomen. the higher pitch becomes, the higher part of the abdomen works. it's like the position of diaphragm, I doubt I can explain this exactly. I came to this myself, then read the same in books on theory. in general, there're three parts of abdomen, like registers, used for singing - lower, middle and upper. the lower is used for bass, the upper ones - for falsetto and soprano. this is operatic way. and it also includes special training of throat, when throat and partly nasal sinuses build up kinda reverberating room for sound waves.
there's also totally different way of singing, usually used in non-opera singing (often in metal) - using only throat. it's easier, but gives less powerful sound, the volume is significantly lower. but with good mic and amp there's sometimes not need in operatic skills as they are (this simply overloads the mic) and often this approximation to opera-like singing used. I doubt there're many ppl that use pure opera singing in metal.
good and simple exercise for building up a good and strong vocal is singing while lying on your back. it's more difficult that may seem. that helps to train the muscles of the abdomen. this might help.
but I must add: it's not good if you get any troubles like hoarse voice or any pain when training vocal - that may ruin the vocal cords. so anyway the training process must be regular and steady, better if you can find a coach, at least to guide you at the very beginning.