Harsh Vocals.. A few Q's.


Aug 7, 2002
How did everybody get into being a Vocalist ? Did yall just start singing oneday ? maybe immitating a favorite band ?

Ive been playing guitar for a little bit now, but i find myself gravitating more towards song writing wrather than composing riffs and whatnot.

Im working on basicaly immitation style vocals right now. Looking at Legion of Marduk and Jocke of Dimension Zero and Anders from In Flames.

Is there a good meathod to improving my abilities to Vocalize ? Or is there a meathod i should follow ? or is it just sorta go as you see fit type thing ?

All advice is more than welcome.

ps. If this makes no sense, sorry.. just gimme some advice on getting into Thrash / death vocals. :p thanks a ton.
noone else wanted to do it. so i learned. or am learning.

make sure you do what is comfortable. it shouldn't hurt. try differnt mics too if you can. you'd be surprised. i find it hlepful (almot mandatory) to hold an instrument while singing even recording vox. and dont be afraid to look/feel silly.
Originally posted by The Wanderer
noone else wanted to do it. so i learned. or am learning.

make sure you do what is comfortable. it shouldn't hurt. try differnt mics too if you can. you'd be surprised. i find it hlepful (almot mandatory) to hold an instrument while singing even recording vox. and dont be afraid to look/feel silly.

What ive been doing tends to make my throat sore at first, but eventualy it goes away. almost like i needa warm up before i can get serious.
i have few advise...

first:its okay that your throat hurt in the 2 or 3 first month
the solution is spoon of olive oil.

dont sing to much in your first month 1 hour for day its okay...

dont dare to do growl from the throat, put you arms on your abdomen and feel how the growl come to your throat.

and the most important, dont try to do growl that you cant compete with him, its destroy the throat

and dont drink cold thing before you sing, i am recommend on sharp drink...
just try to make the loadest noise with the back of your throat that you possibly can. there is no right way to growl. it's not a goddam art! it's METAL!!!!!
he cant just do it on the first time's its to complicated...
he need to know from where the growl come...
just try to make the loadest noise with the back of your throat
you do growls like this??????
you kill your throat.
stop do it like this, you should feel the growl in the upper jaw hmmm.....
here exactly explanation to do growls...

big breathing.. you need to take out all the air slowly feel the air in your diaphragm and when you feel it you need to be focused on the throat and the diaphragm.
your diaphragm is the tool to start the growl your throat is your guitar, when you feel the air in your diaphragm you should make the growl, just do the noise and you will see that the growl will come.
its hard in the start but when you understand the growl way you eill know in reflex how to do it... i recommend to "catch" the abdomen because its make you understand the growl way.
Worse case scenario is your going to blister your throat, That isnt pleasant and can cause some damage in some cases. Breathing i agree is a key element. As far as not being an "Art form", Listen to the difference between a scandinavian growl and a brithish growl, It's noticlible in most cases, Everyone has a distinct voicing to thier growl. Just use moderation and only do what feels comfortable without doing harm to yourself. Your voice is as important as my ears being a guitar player, you have to take care of it ;)
i'm not a vocalist, mainly guitar player, but i can do vocals also. for about 2 months. i would just growl and stuff whenever. i wouldn't go for a set time, just walk around and growl. it hurt at first, but not it doesn't at all. the more you do it, the better it will sound. when your throat starts to hurt, take a break, drink something, etc. there are many differnt types of growls. you have lows (cannibal corpse like stuff), gurgles (disgorge like stuff), highs, and screams, etc. just work on it and try to find where your most comfortable in range.
One word: PRACTICE.

Just like playing a guitar....you'll sound like shit for awhile, then eventually you can find your identity. I just tried to sing along with CD's, and then I realized I cant sing traditionally for shit (I crack worse than post-50 y/o Ozzy after touring for 2 years straight) so I decided to try and copy like Machine Head type stuff and eventually found I could do black metal. I just practiced till it hurt, then stop, and start again another day when I felt better.
Well, ít's my first time in this musician discussion forum, but I play guitar, and I was really looking for advices of how can I growl without damage to my throat.....
I read the sexualist death's advices, but, I couldn't understand it, If you could explain more exactly, I would appreciate......I know it's kind of hard, If it's OK for you explaining again I would thank you.......:)
Well, the part of put the air in the diaphragm, how can I make the growl by putting the air in there???
I mean, I don't even know if the air it's in my diaphragm actually, I have no idea.
It's gonna be hard for you to explain.....but thanks for doing it.
okay.... its not so hard

take a big breathing... do you feel the air pass in your diaphragm?

now, close your eyes in try to feel the air goo out.. (put your arms on your abdomen its very help)

when you feel the air on your diaphragm you need to make some noise and the growl just come after a little time...

i hope i was help.. i just dont know how can i explain it in the forum...
I have a different way to "growl". I don't if I can explain it, but it's really different from what you're talking now.
Instead of take a deep breath, i try to release almost all the air in my lungs (NOT all of it) and when I start breathing, I close my throat a little bit, and there you: my growl! If you release all your air and start doing this, you'll have an unexplainable headache! and if you do it well, you can make a 1 minute growl...
I started growling when I was 15 and picked up my fist Morbid Angel album(Formulas, by the by). Now, coming from my punk and Nu-Metal background at the time, my first instinct was to sing along with everything I could. It really hurt. then, after about a month or so, my voice changed(Yes, my voice didn't change till I was 15:(). After that, I had no problem whatsoever growling at all. My throat never hurts, and I have nevber lost my voice from growling. So my advice is to just start growling before your voice changes. Although that;s probably not going to help:D