Clean vocals ?


Aug 4, 2009
Ireland - Denmark
Hey guys,

Im mixing a core song with some clean vocals and im looking for tips of how to make them shine (besides the actual performance).

Right now im just slamming them really hard with the CLA76 blue, attack all to the left (1), release all to the right (7),and then a bit of rvox, eg and slatevcc.

But its just not sitting how I want them to, they are not glueing as well as I like.

So to be inspired I was wondering how you guys are handling clean vocals ?.
Also I have about 8 tracks (laying at different volumes)
2 main high
2 Main high dub
2 Main low
2 Main low dub

Would you treat each track separately or buss them to a group buss and do the comping together ?
If you have the plugins try this combo in this order. This is just what works for me.

1176 Bluey

Just try and instead of squashing them with one do it gradually over each of them.
I have noticed that this trick works with all vocal styles:

- Make 1 track the Lead Vocal track
- Compress it to fuckery
- make it fucking loud
- put everything else quieter, at least 3-6dB. Pan how ever you want and the track benefits the most

But the magic behind the trick is really simple actually. Having only one vocal track really loud keeps the vocals really clean, crisp and uncluttered and the articulation doesn't suffer, while rest of the tracks just add more of a mass, weight and harmonies to the track. Works live too. For example on the "Late Night Mystery" track (second track on my soundcloud player in my sig) we have like fucking massive amount of vocal tracks in the chorus shouts that comes around ~0:55 and ~1:45 (I think it was like 16 or something?), but since we kept the gang vox 6dB quieter, it just seems like a big crowd even tho there was only 2 of us doing it with different vocal styles.