Joey's technique of processing clean vocals?


May 8, 2011
Hi, guys!
I nead help!
Who know the Joey's technique of processing clean vocals?
How to get a similar sound?
are we really going to assume that joey processes all melodic vocals the same way ...for every song?

i'm sure he has a method or typical preparation regime but i can hardly imagine him slapping the same 'ol preset on every melodic vocal he's ever worked on.

also, there has been several times in the past when joey talked a little about his vocal recording/mix process in terms of setup ie. open cubase, load generic vocal template with a buttload of different dsp effects and routing matrices etc.

don't be such a n00b ...SEARCH!
Guys, do not consider yourself smarter than others, it is not.
Your FAQ is useful for beginners. Important information is missing, so if you is not difficult if you do not know the answer to my question, please DON'T REPLY! ok?)
In processing the clean vocals in some works exactly, maybe even in all, He uses Super 2 tap to make singing a larger volume and a little chorus. I am interested in his algorithm work with Super 2 tap. That's all.
What I am getting is, if you can pin point to an exact plugin that he uses, how can you not navigate through that plugin to reproduce the same results?
Maybe He uses a very small delay on the left and right. They differ by about 5 milliseconds. But this is just my guess ...
I think what Seth is saying is that if your ear can hear a detail as specific as what plugin he uses, you shouldn't have too much trouble figuring out how to use it in the same way.
I just trust more those who knows exactly how to do it than my hearing))

just recorded with Joey. no SuperTap of any kind. uses the most basic of delay, and a load of it on singing.

i also heard he uses magic on his recordings for the extra tact. maybe just a rumor though :loco:
In processing the clean vocals in some works exactly, maybe even in all, He uses Super 2 tap to make singing a larger volume and a little chorus. I am interested in his algorithm work with Super 2 tap. That's all.

with a lot of his vocals ... i can hear a ducking delay.

sure... why put in the extra work if the delay does the job just fine?

it seems pointless to to automate when ducking will create an entirely different sound.