Bass Tone


Jun 13, 2011
Hey guys,

For a while now i've been messing around trying to recording bass for my tracks and I'm not liking how it is turning out. :(

I've been going bass > DI > Interface and I've been trying random Bass amps on Pod farm and adding some Compression/ EQ but I am not satisfied with the tone.

I've always loved Joey's bass tone and I read somewhere on here that he uses Nigel for his bass tone.

I was wondering if you guys were familiar with any other similar sounding amp sims for bass and maybe discuss different ways to go about getting a similar sound to Joey's bass tone :headbang:

Thanks in advance :)
try the rock classic bass amp in podfarm, with drive and bass at 50%, lo mids, hi mids and treble at 100%. 8x10 cab 0% room. 47 close mic. i also throw the american classic preamp at the very end.

pretty decent clanky sound.
Good bass tone is 95% getting a good bass, fresh strings and knowing how to play it. I do a bunch of weird things processing wise, I commit all of this on the way in. The bass is split via a DI with two "thru" outputs.

The chain is something like this

Bass < DI < interface
< Kustom bass head (forget the model) < Recabinet with mesa 4x12 and Ampeg 8x10 cab blended (pretty vanilla round sound with lots of low mids)
< Kustom direct out < Sans Amp PSA-1 (not set super trashy, just something smooth with a little bit of distortion)
< Peavey 5150 < recabinet with same cabinet setting (this for all the grind and clank, its set so it sounds like ass.

Edit: Found a clip! This is just straight after tracking, no real mixing just levels and a bit of bus compression, its not edited yet either so I guess this the best example I can give of how this sounds raw!

I blend everything in the box and compress on the group to glue it all together, you have to be careful with phase using this technique but its nothing a little bit of fiddling doesn't fix.

If you were to do something like this with amp sims, I'd use the DI, a sans amp emulation, the acoustic 360 model in podfarm and whatever high gain amp sim you like.
Bass amp head + Sansamp + DI all on different tracks and edited/EQ'd/compressed differently. Then I add a bit of bus compression and EQ to get them to sit together well