are these guitar tracks worth saving?


New Metal Member
Jan 21, 2009
1's my attempt at a brief history of these files...

these songs were written and recorded by my band almost 2 years ago, some were written even further back then that. my former singer (who now is singing is psyopus...well is quitting in a month but that's neither here nor there) recorded these tracks. he has no formal training and pretty much refuses to learn anyway but through trial and error.

anyways, he's sat on these recordings for too long and i am attempting to take over the project, having only been recorded myself, and having no experience otherwise.

so i figure my starting point is to figure out if the guitar tracks are worth saving, or if i need to buy the equipment and figure out how to record guitars myself, and either do so through an amp sim or pod or something...or MAYBE through amps again...though that seems a bit beyond me.

any input would be appreciated.

here are the wavs from two of the songs...labeled by one amp and where it was to be panned...



if you prefer a different format or site, let me know and i'll make it happen. to my knowledge there is no eq work done on these or any sort of no attention to rough edits or anything like that please.

also, there is a clip on our myspace. that is his edited & mixed version of one of the tracks (just a clip)...the guitars sound decent to me. but it's hard for me to tell with out it mastered and brought to volume (as an unlearned ear and drummer).

anybody think these have potential? should i just ditch and go di? amp sim? buy a pod?
why the midi drums? lol
the guitars dont sound too bad at all
they have the potential to sound fantastic, but a mix is only as good as its worst component, and the drums let the whole thing down right now
thanks a ton for the input...was actually REALLY hoping you'd be one to respond. really respect your work and tones.

unless i put something wrong, i'm assuming you're talking about the myspace track? if so, that is just temporary. we needed to have something up to get booked in a few places (just did a month and a half tour), and it was better that clip then our demo that was written and recorded in 2005...guitar pro midi drums sound better then that.

but that's encouraging feed back...might have to keep these then.

also something i forgot to mention, is none of the guitars were double tracked unfortunately. i think both of the songs i put on my server have multiple guitar tracks per side, but they are just little leads or slides or tiny parts...obviously not true double/quad tracking. is this going to present a problem? do i still have a shot at making this sound 'big'?
haha cheers dude

lemme download the other files and ill check them out
give me 15-20 minutes or something
just opened the "i.rar"
imported the Left and Right guitars, panned them as they were labelled and the left one is clipping so so SO fucking hard
thats the uh "6505 l.aif" file

just imported all the other files
the krank center file isnt needed, and will just cloud up the center of the mix rather than help the guitars sound truly bigger.
the 2 files with the sweeps are well recorded enough

just checked out the other track, all the tracks are fine here, no clipping problems, the bass included, but the krank center track is once again pretty useless, i personally wouldnt use this if i was mixing the track.

the only thing id do to the files of the second track is cut a bit of bass and brighten them up a bit.
just opened the "i.rar"
imported the Left and Right guitars, panned them as they were labelled and the left one is clipping so so SO fucking hard
thats the uh "6505 l.aif" file

i think this may've been an oversight by me. i think the volume was way up on that track then i exported the .aif from that track...i'll look into it.

the only thing id do to the files of the second track is cut a bit of bass and brighten them up a bit.

are you refering to the mix that's up on myspace i'm assuming? this is exactly the sort of advice i was looking for...thanks again.
the krank center file isnt needed, and will just cloud up the center of the mix rather than help the guitars sound truly bigger.

just checked out the other track, all the tracks are fine here, no clipping problems, the bass included, but the krank center track is once again pretty useless, i personally wouldnt use this if i was mixing the track.

if the krank track was panned differently would you see it as helpful or just ditch it all together?