Are we all going to pretend this never happened?

Aug 6, 2003
Sandy Eggo
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Because this is downright awful :rofl:

This is to test those people that always say that they could listen to Jorn sing anything. I love Jorn's voice and when he is working with a strong writer (Ark, Beyond Twilight, Ayreon) he makes amazing music. But his solo stuff is often beyond embarrassing.
the video is not good with the constant snarls from Jorn, but the song kicks ass
I am not a Jorn fanboy at all but this is awesome! I'll have to check out some of the other tracks (Running Up That Hill? Yes!)
You're crazy, dude. This song is AWESOME. I loved it back in the day, and I love Jorn's interpretation of it now.

Jorn is best served right now doing side projects and covers albums, as I think his solo band's songwriting has gotten very stale. While I don't need a new covers album every year or two, it still makes for a nice treat every 5-10 years.
Wow, guess I am in the minority here. But...that video is sooooooooooo bad. *look Jorn is peaking out from behind a tree* Where is he walking to?
Am I seriously the only one that thinks that video is Mystery Science Theater 3000 bad?

As for the song, well the original was a generic pop song and I do not think he did much to it aside from add a bunch of guitar noodling. But different strokes for different folks. Maybe I will be more impressed with his cover of Katrina and the Wave's Walking on Sunshine.

*Ohhhhhhhhhh I walking on sunshine Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh (Trademark Jorn vocalization)" *meedly meedly meeeeeee*

Don't get your panties in a bunch too much, I'm mostly just having fun here.
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The song is fine for what it is. Not bad, not great.
But that video is embarrassingly bad. I'm completely with O.O. All involved should be ashamed of letting that piece of cinema out the door.
Wow, guess I am in the minority here. But...that video is sooooooooooo bad. *look Jorn is peaking out from behind a tree* Where is he walking to?
Am I seriously the only one that thinks that video is Mystery Science Theater 3000 bad?

Yeah, the video IS pretty bad, I'll agree with that part. Then again, why is he even doing a video at all?
Apparently Jorn is like the Pope of the Prog power forum, a being touched by the divine above reproach. Someone should tell that guy if he ever needs to borrow money, he should come ask here. :)

I mean Dream Theater puts out a song and it gets torn to hell here (not that they do not deserve critique) but Jorn puts out a video like that or songs with such amazing lyrics as

"I'll suck you dry like a vampire
I'll make you shiver and moan
Oh baby you are the reason
Please let me take you home"


"Michael wants to rock
And be the leader of the flock
He'll be coming near your block
And rock you all around the clock
Michael wants to rock"


"Are you ready to rip it up
Are you ready to take it down
Are you ready to dance about
Am I messing around
Are you ready to rock
Are you ready to hit the floor
Are you ready
If you're ready I'm ready"

and somehow we are all like "Jorn can do no wrong cause he has a good voice" :D
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Bad example in the OP, but Jorn's solo stuff is weak and I"m at a loss to figure out why. Tons of great writers he could be working with who would probably love to do an album with him. He's obviously worked with Magnus Karlsson already, but how about Erik Martensson?