Are we onto any food yet?

SavaVIDude said:
I hear the wings are good at Cheetah 3!! :D :D :D
I'm a breast man myself...
We definitely did the food in the fridge thing. The in venue food place takes soooooo long, and even the little gyro place is tough to get in and out of between sets. We grab sub sandwiches, throw them in the fridge in the room at the Grenada and between sets, we can pop in there and chow them down.
Someone should convince the Subway up the hill to stay open later on Friday and Saturday. You could easily walk up there, get a sub, and consume it on the walk back down the hill. The food at Earthlink wasn't bad, but it takes a good long time to get it.

At Nearfest a couple of weeks ago, they had maps that pointed out all the food places within walking distance of the show. Something like this for PP would be really cool, especially showing places that are open late.

I have to make sure I eat this year. I get super-sick Saturday morning last year from not eating anything Friday night...
