Are you a political activist?

Recursive Logic

Rightist Member
Jan 17, 2004
Are you into politics? public administration? if yes, are you an activist or just sit back and watch the news?

Where do u find yourself on the policital spectrum regarding your country? surrounding area? the whole fucking world?

Speak up your ideologies!
i am pretty interested in politics, but i'm not an activist, i just watch the news and read the newspapers. actually i am going to study politics in a university (if they take me in).

i guess i'm socialist (in finland we have really high taxes, and i think it's good). i'm also really concerned about enviromental stuff.
Recursive Logic said:
Are you into politics? public administration? if yes, are you an activist or just sit back and watch the news?

Where do u find yourself on the policital spectrum regarding your country? surrounding area? the whole fucking world?

Speak up your ideologies!

:lol: hey mate from where in Lebanon are you.
Yes i am into politics but I am not an activist, couldnt be anyways in this country.
I used to be an activist. I participated in a bunch of letter mailing campaigns, (mainly where you and a bunch of people sit at a table and stuff envelopes with political propaganda, address and put postage on them :p). Politics is all bullshit anyways. :err:
Falconspirit said:
:lol: hey mate from where in Lebanon are you.
Yes i am into politics but I am not an activist, couldnt be anyways in this country.

From Jamhour, near Hazmieh.

Free Patriotic Movement ;)

What about you? where do u live and all that? chou mouyoulak? :D
I don't hold banners and stuff but I do agree with many stuff they fight against;I have serious issues against the world commerce organisation cause it's fucking up poor countries.I hate globalisation cause it's turning us into numbers instead of individuals.
I am not a fan of communism cause it seems it always goes the wrong way and some leader rises and fucks up everything taking it to the edge.
I want equality and good quality of life for people.
This is a dangerous thread to start :lol: though it shouldn't be. I like sharing opinions even when they aren't the same as mine. In the US activism to me has a negative connotation, as most associate it with ultra-left wing, environmentalist, or other extremist groups. I think activism is good so long as what its advocating is good, of course. I myself will donate funds to my party and to candidates for office that I want to see succeed. I would engage in activism if such a thing existed for advocating strict constitutional constructionism, smaller government, abolishing most taxes and other 'right-wing' causes I champion. But seeing as most people of my mindset are too busy, you know, having jobs and families and stuff, it just doesn't happen. We're kind of a silent majority, but we also have probably the most at stake right now, and should be more active. The majority of left-wing activists who you see in this country on the news chanting slogans, painting their faces and wearing weird costumes, marching around with communist and socialist groups like ANSWER are college kids who have yet to work for a living and spend their days getting their minds bent by professors who are a product of the 60's, still spouting anti-american rhetoric and promoting all the ivory tower approved ideologies of marxism.

That's just the great thing about our country, you have every right to dress up like a silver robot and do your robot dance down the street like a goon because you think, oh, there's no reason for war ever, not even in the face of terrorism, fascism, despotism, can do anything so long as you don't violate my basic rights of life, property, and liberty. But yeah, I myself am (obviously) quite right of center. I believe government is a necessary evil, and would personally opt out of all taxes except consumption taxes if I could sign a contract that the government doesn't have to pay me welfare, social security, etc...leave me to my own devices and gimme my damn property! I also support personally the nation of Israel and the Irish republic - just not the newer inventions of IRA segments that are marxist terrorists. Fianna Fail is the way to go.
Both of the "campaigns" I was involved with were grass-roots unpaid conservative efforts in California. One, which was sucessful, was the drive to push Roberti, a big spending democrat from running for the job of State Treasurer. He spent more money fighting our efforts at "shedding the light on his political activities" that when it came time for him to actually run, his campaign finances had been depleted.

The other one was to defeat SB23, a ban on semi-automatic firearms that had certain cosmetic features, but identical to other weapons that were not targeted. This law has had no effect on crime, and the first 9 people prosecuted were civil servants and police officers, for doing nothing wrong.

Some laws are passed only to make criminals out of law abiding citizens, instead of focusing on people who are doing illegal things, by making certain legal activities, illegal.

I am taking a politics paper this year and I like watching parliament televised. I am a conservative at heart (death penalty, harsh sentences, birth licence), but surprisingly liberal on soft drugs (mainly 'cos I like sweet mary jane).
But in the end, I just do what I want anyway. am a decent hard working manwho doesn't do crime so no one bothers me.
Here, here Xeno...its all a power game. I believe there are varying reasons behind the assault on our second amendment, some more devious than others, but all having the same extremely negative social and personal consequences. Crime goes up, people get weak, and the only ones who benefit are the criminals and the politicians who become more and more everyone's daddy, because we can't protect ourselves anymore, we'll have to let them - after all crime has gotten so bad! :bah:
Yes, it's a vicious cycle.... politicians want more power, say things like "guns are evil, crime with them is bad", then "Ban guns", then only criminals and politicians have power.

Also, the United Nations calls for complete disarmament and banning of civilian ownership, any real types of firearms.... why? A single world government, or "the New World Order" cannot happen until the people of all countries have no means to resist.

Firearms are not the weapons of invading armies, dictators or "weapons of mass destruction" as many who described them to be banned, they're the teeth of the people to protect themsevles against infringement of their freedom.

I hate seeing our freedoms erode, and I once did my best to fight them. Now I realize it's basically a futile effort.
I'm passive, but political. I stay in tune with news and politics, and read up on various ideas and political parties. The only 'activities' I've done so far was vote. Unfortunately, Governor Swarzenegger won.
xenophobe said:
Yes, it's a vicious cycle.... politicians want more power, say things like "guns are evil, crime with them is bad", then "Ban guns", then only criminals and politicians have power.

Also, the United Nations calls for complete disarmament and banning of civilian ownership, any real types of firearms.... why? A single world government, or "the New World Order" cannot happen until the people of all countries have no means to resist.

Firearms are not the weapons of invading armies, dictators or "weapons of mass destruction" as many who described them to be banned, they're the teeth of the people to protect themsevles against infringement of their freedom.

I hate seeing our freedoms erode, and I once did my best to fight them. Now I realize it's basically a futile effort.
I don't os much believe its a futile effort, but I do say that regardless of what happens, i'll live the way I want one way or another. I do believe that there is an agenda, especially within the UN, seeing as so many of the people heading it up are from school sof thought that basically idolize Plato's described state as the ultimate utopia...which really is the ultimate tyranny. These very marxist leaning countries are so obsessed with economic classes, what others have and don't have, but its really missing the point. In marxism, there exists only two classes, with the widest possible disparity between quality of life between them - the government and the people. In Russia, millions starved and were sent to the gulag while officials lived in estates and ate their fill. The only way to force equality is to subjugate everyone to a lower standard - and the Howard Dean's of the world would have us be subservient to these people... :bah:
For me, I find Lebanon as the country that has the most complicated political system and the most complexe antagonist ideologies.

To be a middle rightist in Lebanon is not a choice, it's a need.

Viewing the different ideologies such as secular Arab Nasserite Nationalists parties and movements, secular Syrian Social Nationalist Party and Baath party (based on Mussolini's fascist ideas about adding the whole middle eastern area into one country), extreme right-wing Lebanese Forces sectarian confederalism, Progressive Socialist Party, however sectarian for a minority sect and not at all socialist, Christian nationalism, Muslim nationalism, Lebanse nationalists (referring to the lebanese-phoenicians roots). All mixed up with Palestinian refugees and Syrian army, intelligence, and hegemony.

It's just a big orgy. That's why I had to find myself in the middle right-wing Free Patriotic Movement as a current of thought that calls for unity of the Lebanese people, Freedom of Lebanon from Syrian implicit (often explicit) hegemony, Sovereignty over its own lands, and Independence (true independence), non-sectarianism, respect of the human rights, decentralization, seperation of all branches of government, etc...

In other words a peaceful resistance against our own government manipulated by the Syrian Baathist regime. And sad how it seems that each minister is a leader of a certain sect, the biggest thieves of all time, and many of them were head of major attrocities and war crimes during the lebanese civil war.

Lebanon is slowly losing its identity as a symbol of democracy in an area where there isn't any. It is losing its identity by the major emigration of the intellectual youth (engineers, doctors, lawyers, artists...) outside the country. It is losing its economic identity by having over 1 million illegal immigrant mainly syrians and palestinians (think of it, 1 million for a country that counts 3.5-4 million citizens).

This is who we are:



And this is how we are treated by the oppressive regime just because we say NO to political, military, and economic hegemony.



"Any existence deprived of freedom is a form of death"
@Recursive Logic:wow man take it easy, ma yijeh 3aleyna haddan hella2.!
By the way, I live in Rabieh. mouyouleh mouyoulak. :lol:
Recursive Logic said:
Are you into politics? public administration? if yes, are you an activist or just sit back and watch the news?

Where do u find yourself on the policital spectrum regarding your country? surrounding area? the whole fucking world?

Speak up your ideologies!

I don't believe in any particular party or ideology. They all have things I want and things I don't want, and I don't think there's any one principle that is so important that I could fight for it at the expense of everything else. I have things that I want that fall into both traditionally left-wing and right-wing categories, liberal and conservative, green and capitalist. For me, party political government doesn't provide me with what I want - the chance to have a direct say on each issue, instead of having to pick the person I disagree least with to speak for me. But on the other hand, I'm fully aware of the terrible problems that direct democracy can cause, and the near-certainty that it would fail spectacularly, and I REALLY don't want anarchy, Communism or a dictatorship.

I've noticed that no ideology ever sounded like a bad idea from the mouths and pens of its architects and supporters, and that makes me doubly sceptical about getting attached to one.

As for activism, only when I feel like it. I've signed some petitions and stuck up a few posters, but I've never marched for or against anything.
Wandrail said:
I don't os much believe its a futile effort, but I do say that regardless of what happens, i'll live the way I want one way or another. I do believe that there is an agenda, especially within the UN, seeing as so many of the people heading it up are from school sof thought that basically idolize Plato's described state as the ultimate utopia...which really is the ultimate tyranny. These very marxist leaning countries are so obsessed with economic classes, what others have and don't have, but its really missing the point. In marxism, there exists only two classes, with the widest possible disparity between quality of life between them - the government and the people. In Russia, millions starved and were sent to the gulag while officials lived in estates and ate their fill. The only way to force equality is to subjugate everyone to a lower standard - and the Howard Dean's of the world would have us be subservient to these people... :bah:
Of course there is an agenda. I'm not one to believe in conspiracy theories, but the most grand conspiracy legends, the stuff of the New World Order do indeed exist, and have for a long time. Groups like the Freemasons, the Trilateralist Commision, the Bilderburg Commision, Council of Foreign Relations... etc... all the way up to the WTO and World Bank... are all different "divisions" that focus on different sectors of reality to achieve their goals. There's just so much stuff that's publicly disclosed through history to back up the claims that these groups do have an agenda and are activly to trying make it a reality.

But it looks as if the time is not right, America is pulling the reigns in back from the UN, and many demonstrators are fighting the WTO whenever and wherever it meets. Still a bit too much resistance from the small percentage of the world that really matters. Still, powerful groups are trying to erase the borders and remove any sovernty that would divide the world.

Howard Dean is a joke. :lol: