Are you sittind down Zod? Pain of Salvation news

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If you are against smoking pot and prostitution, will you ever set foot in Amsterdam, I don't think so. If he was against our policies and regulations then he has every right to not want to step foot in our country. Half the time I want to step foot out of this country, so I don't blame him in the least bit. PoS is my all time favorite band and they do no wrong. If I don't agree with Daniel, I am not going to hold it against him just because his opinion or thought is of a different nature than mine. People need to grow the fuck up.
Wow, pretty entertaining thread. It almost makes me want to listen to a Pain Of Salvation song, something I've never done.

*ponders the prospect*

What are you waiting for? They're either gonna be your new favorite band or you get to join in on the fun and bash them at every opportunity. Win/Win situation, IMO.
Exactly. Daniel is one of those people who sees themselves as an intellectual, but whose behavior runs contrary to that belief. First off, there's only two groups his silly little "embargo" hurt; PoS and PoS fans. Does he believe his "embargo" impacted U.S. policy? Privacy laws? Haliburton stock? It's just silliness.


I don't drink milk because levels of allowed puss in the US are enough that it would be labeled "rancid" in much of the world. Does that hurt the milk producers or make them improve their standards? Impact regulations on infected puss in what you drink? No... but I'm still not going to drink the nasty shit.

I just don't think you can fight against something while participating in it. His embargo made perfect sense. No one would take me seriously when I talk about how disgusting milk is if I just grumbled about it while sipping away. Now... if something more important to me made me participate, then that's a different story. For example, I like to be able to afford to eat, so I shop at Wal-Mart when I'd really rather not. Am I a hypocrite? No, I just value food more than fighting against our trade deficit with China.
Oh, is PoS just one guy with studio musicians as a back up band? Does anyone else in the group speak out or for this "embargo"?

Once they released "Be", the rest of the band became merely backing musicians for the ongoing Daniel Gildenlow project.
As for Daniel's issue with the fingerprint issue, if 20 people immigrated into Sweden, then killed over 3,000 of its citizens, I think the Swedish government would be a little leery about foreign travelers as well.
Thank you.
I have been trying to come up with the best way to say what your statement refers to.

While travel has become a lot more restricted, it is being done in the name of security. Sure, some rules and procedures might be extreme, but come on.

As I said before, PoS might be known in the Prog Power circle, but let's face it. It's not like they are in high demand over here in the States. It's not like they have had to turn down a whirlwind of offers to come here in the past 5 years. Therefore, its easy for the dude to get on his soapbox.

Sure, he is certainly entitled to his beliefs.
But if this dude is as intellectual as some of his backers are stating, then how can he lift his embargo based on JUST the election of Obama? Has anything been yet proven to change his views on our policies?

If he were to travel here tomorrow, he would still have to be fingerprinted, no?
Daniel does come across as a bit self-righteous and pompous, but give him credit for having strong convictions, be willing to act on those convictions, and then re-consider when circumstances change.

He is both an artist and a European, things most who post here are not, and because of that one might have a hard time seeing things from Daniel's perspective.

I don't think we really know the extent that many around the world were let down by the USA during the last eight years. RFK Jr. described going to great cities around the world with his father and seeing how much the people loved America. They named boulevards after our great leaders. All of that, he said, changed during the Bush years.

So give Daniel the latitude to be who he is and hope POS will play here again soon.
Insert purely political comment directed at the person who doesn't believe European countries have free speech.

On topic: I highly doubt that PoS would get booed off the stage at a future ProgPower. I wouldn't really care to watch their performance, but I doubt they'd be booed off. I would hope that the attendees at PPUSA are for more classy than that.
Is Daniel a celebrity even in his home country?

I ask not sarcastically, but because I don't know of the popularity of PoS in Sweden (or the rest of Europe for that matter).
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