Are you sittind down Zod? Pain of Salvation news

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I don't particularly care for this band, but the fact that they did that speaks volumes for the band wanting to please their fans.

Personally, I think the "US Touring Embargo" absolutely negates the fact that the band played an all-request set for their fans. If the band cared about their fans that much, they'd deal with the hassles of entering our country and play shows for their fans. Other bands from Europe in all genres have done the same.

As Jasonic said earlier in the thread - I'm sure they enjoyed any royalty payments coming from the US, but they couldn't be bothered to come over here and show their support for the fans that spent money on the band's products.
I will state it again--Daniel can say anything he wants and believe anything he wants. People say the issue with the airport was what caused him to institute his "embargo." In fact, it was his inability to adjust and adapt that caused this problem.

In other words....The Embargo had nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with someone being disappointed with a world that does not work exactly as he wishes.

Exactly. Daniel is one of those people who sees themselves as an intellectual, but whose behavior runs contrary to that belief. First off, there's only two groups his silly little "embargo" hurt; PoS and PoS fans. Does he believe his "embargo" impacted U.S. policy? Privacy laws? Haliburton stock? It's just silliness. If what he was interested in was change, would not touring more, using the stage as a soapbox from which to espouse his values to fans and encourage them to vote, not have served the greater good? Could the money generated by those tours not be used to fund a fight against the legislation he found so distasteful? And as others have pointed out, the policies he found so contemptable, are still in place.

Exactly. Daniel is one of those people who sees themselves as an intellectual, but whose behavior runs contrary to that belief. First off, there's only two groups his silly little "embargo" hurt; PoS and PoS fans. Does he believe his "embargo" impacted U.S. policy? Privacy laws? Haliburton stock? It's just silliness. If what he was interested in was change, would not touring more, using the stage as a soapbox from which to espouse his values to fans and encourage them to vote, not have served the greater good? Could the money generated by those tours not be used to fund a fight against the legislation he found so distasteful? And as others have pointed out, the policies he found so contemptable, are still in place.


Zod, I even hate to admit it....I totally agree with you on this. You said it perfect. In what warped reality did he think his embargo hurt or changed anything?
Warning....any further "pure" political posts will be deleted. Please stay on topic with Pain of Salvation, Daniel, etc.

Glenn, in my opinion the original post was "pure" political. I'm not sure how anyone is/was suppose to reply. Politics and religion tend to get most people heated and I'll be the first to admit that. It's apparent to me that Daniel got heated, as he kept himself and his band from playing in the states. With that said, by posting Daniel's statement, you're inviting most of us to give him a verbal "ass kicking." Hell, to think of it, metal is mostly political. (shrugs)

Glenn, in my opinion the original post was "pure" political. I'm not sure how anyone is/was suppose to reply. Politics and religion tend to get most people heated and I'll be the first to admit that. It's apparent to me that Daniel got heated, as he kept himself and his band from playing in the states. With that said, by posting Daniel's statement, you're inviting most of us to give him a verbal "ass kicking." Hell, to think of it, metal is mostly political. (shrugs)

~Brian~ are soooooo wrong. metal is 98% dragons, elves, vikings, trolls, castles, enchanted forest and once in a blue moon....halflings!
Glenn, in my opinion the original post was "pure" political. I'm not sure how anyone is/was suppose to reply.

WTF is up with you lately? You have been second guessing me, telling me my taste sucks, etc. etc. Is Ascension paying you?

Daniel is not only a musician, but a high profile person that has expressed his personal beliefs and that in turn had an effect on our community. EXpressing your support or disdain for what he did and said is defintely on topic here. If someone wants to discuss pure Obama policy or debate Bush ethics, then that belongs in the Lounge as it has nothing to do with our music community.
Zod, I even hate to admit it....I totally agree with you on this. You said it perfect. In what warped reality did he think his embargo hurt or changed anything?

It probably never occured to him that he would make a difference. It was probably an excuse to not have to deal with customs, and still seem righteous.
It's possible PoS never had any plan on coming to the States in the past few years anyhow, which may have made it very easy to integrate that fact into making a political statement.

As Zod said, either way, it only hurt PoS and their US fans.
Exactly. Daniel is one of those people who sees themselves as an intellectual, but whose behavior runs contrary to that belief. First off, there's only two groups his silly little "embargo" hurt; PoS and PoS fans. Does he believe his "embargo" impacted U.S. policy? Privacy laws? Haliburton stock? It's just silliness. If what he was interested in was change, would not touring more, using the stage as a soapbox from which to espouse his values to fans and encourage them to vote, not have served the greater good? Could the money generated by those tours not be used to fund a fight against the legislation he found so distasteful? And as others have pointed out, the policies he found so contemptable, are still in place.

Totally and absolutely agree. He got pissed when he heard he'd have to be fingerprinted, felt his right to privacy was violated, decided he wouldn't conform, then made a "political stance" on it to justify his personal distaste for the process. Ok, you don't want to be fingerprinted, be man enough to admit to your fans you won't come play for them because of this personal choice. Instead he tried to validate his US ban as something more than that, and unltimately had no effect on anything or anyone except the fans and, perhaps, the band. He could have accomplished much more actually showing up and making a statement from the stage. Might have even gotten some "real" US press if he shaved his head and burned and effigy of Bush, Rumsfeld or someone involved in the process. His silly embargo was pointless and his statement is juvenile and insulting.

Oh, the other 2% is mead, you silly kids! :kickass:
WTF is up with you lately? You have been second guessing me, telling me my taste sucks, etc. etc. Is Ascension paying you?

Daniel is not only a musician, but a high profile person that has expressed his personal beliefs and that in turn had an effect on our community. EXpressing your support or disdain for what he did and said is defintely on topic here. If someone wants to discuss pure Obama policy or debate Bush ethics, then that belongs in the Lounge as it has nothing to do with our music community.

No, Ascension hasn't been paying me or anything. I don't recall ever saying your music taste sucks, because I don't think it does. Hell, I'm always going by both yours and Intromental's recommendations. I said that Soil's music sucks, but not Glenn's. I told you that I liked the lead singer's voice though, then you became defensive with me.

With that said, Daniel's statement was very political. I really don't know how else to take it? As far as I'm concerned, if you don't want me on here anymore, it's your forum. Let me know. :kickass:

Exactly. Daniel is one of those people who sees themselves as an intellectual, but whose behavior runs contrary to that belief. First off, there's only two groups his silly little "embargo" hurt; PoS and PoS fans. Does he believe his "embargo" impacted U.S. policy? Privacy laws? Haliburton stock? It's just silliness. If what he was interested in was change, would not touring more, using the stage as a soapbox from which to espouse his values to fans and encourage them to vote, not have served the greater good? Could the money generated by those tours not be used to fund a fight against the legislation he found so distasteful? And as others have pointed out, the policies he found so contemptable, are still in place.

I agree with most of what you said, though I understand why Daniel did it. If I understand him correctly, Daniel Gildenlow is, above all else, an idealist.

As such, it's not so much that he stood up for what he believed in because he felt it would impact U.S. policy, protect privacy, or bankrupt Haliburton. He stood up for what he believed in because it's what he believes.

I respect him for that, even though I wish he'd chosen differently. I agree with what you said that he could have better served his cause by coming to the U.S. anyway and using the stage as a soapbox (even though that's the *last* thing I want *any* artist to do). However, there's something to be said for standing up for your beliefs....too many people (esp. in the US) are quick to compromise their ideals, especially for personal gain (such as advancing one's career through touring the U.S.).

Also, you referred to his "embargo" of refusing to come to the USA as "silliness." One could say the same about Gandhi's refusal to eat.

P.S. Note that I'm not actually trying to compare Gildenlow to far as I know, Gandhi even didn't sing or write music at all. :lol:
On the subject of relevancy...PoS hasn't released anything relevant since The Perfect Element.

Harvester said:
WTF is up with you lately? You have been second guessing me, telling me my taste sucks, etc. etc. Is Ascension paying you?

Naaa...good advice is always free. ;)
I hope they do come back and play PP... that way they can be the first band in the history of the fest that is boo'd off the stage.
I love political debates -- but within my own family. We get into great discussions about Bush and Obama. But as a Ron Paul Independent, I hold both parties in contempt. I think they're both dangerous.

Pain of Salvation's music is challenging and occasionally interesting. But Daniel's comments are highly insulting and incredibly boorish.

I could write a lot more because Daniel's superior attitude greatly angers me. But I represent ProgPower USA and I try conduct myself with professionalism so as not to reflect badly on this grand metal fest.

Suffice to say I wish he'd keep his political B.S. to himself -- and his band safely ensconced in Sweden so that the U.S. doesn't taint him.

They were supposedly offered a slot on Gigantour the first time that came around, and theres no doubt in my mind Mike Portnoy would love to have them next time Prog Nation rolls around.

Two TOURS that consistently draw more than ProgPower.

Isn't that fairly easy to accomplish when say Irvine Meadows hold 4 thousand vs. little ole Center Stage???
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