Are you sittind down Zod? Pain of Salvation news

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He's not the only one... he was vocal about it, but other musicians have complained as well... Some even publicaly.

and not only musicians... If you know anyone from overseas you've certainly have heard some stories...
You know, maybe since ol' Daniel is being so magnanimous, he won't mind having those 245 detainees at Guantanomo at his place after they close the prison. Kill two birds with one stone, so to speak...besides, isn't there a journalist in Sweden they need to take care of?:headbang:

This sucks for me on two levels. First, I will most certainly be forced to endure another PoS ProgPower announcement. Second, I must now admit, something good came out of the Bush administration.

Oh... and by the way... ghayest statement evar...


*NOTE: Daniel is simply not Metal enough to deserve an umlaut in his last name. I will be circulating a petition to request that it be removed immediately and be replaced by some sort of Barbie doll emoticon (design pending).

You crack me up man!
If you're going to book them, book them now, for PPX, because by PPXI they'll be back to embargoing us. Obama is an American President and American Presidents lose their honeymoon period overseas long before they lose it at home. If Daniel is expecting America to turn into Sweden on foreign policy issues he'll be gravely disappointed.

I do give them props for the request set, even though I've never liked their music. There are few bands that care about their fans as much as Pain of Salvation.
Gee, we should all feel honored they have lifted their personal embargo on the US and their fans here. Ugh. While I respect them for their talent musically, I find them hopelessly mired in their own ideology. Can't help it, this statement just comes across and pompous and self-glorifying to me.


And this, coming from their former PPUSA sponsor.

Oh lord, give me a break. While I have been accused of being a bit cynical at times, I'm not putting my fate in the warm, intelligent eyes of anyone until I see what they can actually do. And that includes politicians. :lol:

Agreed again.

I'm hoping for the best for Obama, because if he fails, we all fail. (Or in a worst-case scenario, we lose a city or something.) I'll give him a chance and see what he can accomplish, but based on what I'm seeing, I don't hold out too much hope. :zombie:

Is there any prog/power band that is more polarizing than PoS?

Well.....not until this 'magnanimous' post from Daniel. :rolleyes:
Dammit, here I went hoping that they would never play the states again so there would not even be a remote chance that I would have to sit through one of their sets... heh

I agree 100% -seen them once and once was too much - was bored out of my mind.
I think it is funny b cause all there "Embargo on the U.S." did was hurt themselves, why narrow your opportunities?

I know that I did not loose a wink of sleep about it, I am sure that it did not change a thing about the world besides take a small chunk out of their possible earnings...

But hey to each their own, I do not see why Obama is making everyone so excited... He is STILL a politician... He just has a good speech writer.
We are still under the rule of a hypocritical government....
Which is made completely moot on the basis that he's willing to subject himself to the same issues under a new president.

How is it completely moot if Bush was the one who instituted such awful customs interrogation processes and Obama repeals, or at least, loosens them? I imagine it to be overly relevant, actually.
How is it completely moot if Bush was the one who instituted such awful customs interrogation processes and Obama repeals, or at least, loosens them? I imagine it to be overly relevant, actually.

I am doubting that Obama is going to repeal any changes that were made when it comes down to customs and visa issues, any time soon. There's a couple of reasons why, one of them being the way it can be twisted in the media. I'm not an Obama fan, but he's not an idiot and he does weigh how things will be spun in the media. Plus, any change he makes to that process, won't take effect for another year or two. He's got bigger fish to fry before he goes there (and I don't see Clinton as seeking to loosen anything, as this issue falls under her dept).
They were supposedly offered a slot on Gigantour the first time that came around, and theres no doubt in my mind Mike Portnoy would love to have them next time Prog Nation rolls around.

Two TOURS that consistently draw more than ProgPower.

I had not heard of the Gigantour RUMOR and the other is pure speculation. Regardless of whether or not they got on these tours, how many people would actually attend to see PoS? They have a polarizing effect on the people of this board, who appreciate progressive music greatly. What makes you think they wouldn't have the same effect on a slightly more mainstream audience?

As a big fan of Pain of Salvation and a strong supporter of Obama, this is great news to me. I've voted Republicain more often than not, but I actually got active in Obama's campaign and made a campaign donation for the first time in my life. I completely understand and agree with Daniel's view on Obama. I think that for the first time in my memory, we have a president with the vision, intelligence, and ethical fortitude to truly make a change in how this country is run and how we interact with the world. But enough about politics.

Yes, Daniel comes across as somewhat pompous and magnanimous in his message, but like him or not, he's an excellent musician, incredible singer, and gifted songwriter. Whether his music or style resonates with you or not is one thing, but you're in denial if you say he isn't talented. I actually FELL ASLEEP during Stratovarius' set at ProgPower, but there's no denying that they're phenomenal musicians....their stuff just doesn't do it for me. Maybe PoS is that way for you. Whatever.

I agree with those who felt that PoS' "boycott" of the US was self-damaging and didn't help at all to "fix" the problems they were complaining about. But in a time of such utter complacency and ambivalence (particularly in the US), I totally respect them for taking and stand and being unwavering in their convictions.

Musically, I agree that Scarsick was their weakest release, and when I first got it I thought it was pretty lousy. But then I remembered that I didn't care for "Be" or "Remedy Lane" that much at first, so I kept giving it more listens. Over time, it grew on me, and while I still think it's their weakest release, it definitely has some gems on it...."Enter Rain," "Flame to the Moth," and "Cribcaged" in particular.

I'm looking forward to their next CD (though I'll miss Kristoffer and Johan L's input), and hereby put my vote in for PoS as headliner at the Showcase!!!


Warning....any further "pure" political posts will be deleted. Please stay on topic with Pain of Salvation, Daniel, etc.


I will state it again--Daniel can say anything he wants and believe anything he wants. People say the issue with the airport was what caused him to institute his "embargo." In fact, it was his inability to adjust and adapt that caused this problem. This attitude shows in PoS music (yes I listened to two disks several times), and it is one of the main reasons why I cannot stand them.

In other words....The Embargo had nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with someone being disappointed with a world that does not work exactly as he wishes.
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