Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I'm sure everyone back in the states is familiar with this travesty of a gameshow, but I just discovered it. I really really really can't believe some people are this stupid.



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In all fairness, the majority of 5th graders would not know the answers to most of these. Not to mention the show is scripted...

Edit - My web browser is all fucked at the moment and doesn't display pages correctly and when I go to youtube I get a "400 Bad Request" message. It was just working a few minutes ago for fuck sake.
Ok, if someone doesn't know if a piccolo is a woodwind, that's kinda forgivable. I'll even let slide that someone doesn't know that Budapest is the capital of Hungary (to be honest, that wasn't the horrific was the entire "isn't Europe a country?" part), but the one where the guy was asked "what is the official language of Australia?", and he wasn't sure so he walked with the money he had? COME ON.
that show should be called "Do you remember everything you've learned in 5th grade?" cause I challenge any 10 years old kids to make a ************** profile for a 75 years old diabetic woman with kidney's and heart's failures

edit: that fucking word that got censored is "ph@rmaceutical"... wtf UM?
that show should be called "Do you remember everything you've learned in 5th grade?" cause I challenge any 10 years old kids to make a ************** profile for a 75 years old diabetic woman with kidney's and heart's failures

edit: that fucking word that got censored is "ph@rmaceutical"... wtf UM?

I agree to a point. But these aren't friggin' specific history dates from specific battles in WW2. These are questions like, "What is the official language of Australia?", and "Which continent is also a country?"

The last one, however, depends on where you're from in the world. To Europeans, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and the surrounding islands are known as Oceania, but in the US we learned it as only Australia is the continent.
Ok, this show is fake. There is NO FUCKING WAY AAAAAAAAANNNNYYYYYOOOOOONNNNNEEEEEE is this fucking stupid. NO. FUCKING. WAY.

Seriously, and I joke about this all the time, but I'm dead serious now. A mercy killing is called for.

This one is a VERY common problem everyone has with grammar (ahem internet posters) and it's really not surprising that both of them fucked up. Everyone makes this mistake and it drives me fucking insane when they do.

"Max talked to Darcy and _____"

a. I

b. me

c. my

The correct answer is ME!!!! Why? If you drop Darcy, you're only left with yourself, and you don't say "to I" say "to me". Many people in every single English speaking country fuck this up when they speak and I just want to correct them every chance I get and be a total dick. I'm really anal about proper grammar and pronunciation because you must, at the very least, be able to speak your language correctly if you want to be taken seriously. It's a shame how little pride we have in our language when it's the "lingua franca" of the world.

We've got exactly the same concept going as a benchmark at our radio station... "Are you smarter than a student?" with questions on - what would be here - 4th grade level.

It's now on summer break but it's pretty pointless overall 'cause the adults NEVER win. The kids are just too damn fast. So basically nobody signs up anymore because they know they'll just get publicly humiliated. (And you've got the chance too win a big amount of.... nothing at all!)