Area 54 patches and long shorts?

Ian 'E' Edwards

I seem to remember a while back talk of Area 54 producing some long shorts type things with the 54 logo on them. Also, there was talk of patches being made of the band logo etc, so I was just wondering how many people would be interested in buying one or both of these items if they were ever to see the light of day?! I know I'd love one of each, but the patch especially as then I'd be able to sew it onto my bag along with all the other black metal patches on there! \m/

Thought it was worth asking again as maybe it will kick start them into producing these little lovelies soon... ;) :D
I remember being told about the patches myself!

Maybe the band are considering a new range of merch stuff when the new album comes out, as things over 2001/2002 have been a bit of a rolllercoaster ride to put it one way.