Arena - Contagion 72 TRACKS?!


Amateur Dentist
May 13, 2002
This is now a Contagion appreciation thread. :grin:

The previous message:
"I mean what the hell? I just ordered this CD yesterday and found out on their website they split the album into 72 tracks to prevent piracy? This is one album that will never see the random play on my discman..."
Haha, it`ll take me about 10 minutes using Acid to splice those parts together into songs. A good idea, but seriously guys, don`t try to fight it... I`ll still buy the album though, I have all the other albums, so I`m not stopping with this.
No fighting from me, just curious that if I like a particular song on the album- what the hell track number it is.
Originally posted by Silent Spirit
How can we check 'em out?! If I download a song off Kazaa, it'll be like a minute long!! Are there samples on their website?

Yes there are, scroll down a little on the news page I think. You can download full mp3's of Spectre at the Feast and Painted Man (neither of these songs I found were any better than anything off of Immortal though).
Wow.. :rock: I've never payed attention to arena before, but the clips i heard sound very very cool :) I don't know if this album is much different from their previous works, but I like the new stuff hehe ;)
Okay I recieved it yesterday and there was 16 tracks. Well one of the reviews on the site said there was 72 tracks. Luckily they were mistaken! *Breathes a sigh of relief*


Way too short for a 16 track CD though. Clocks in at about 58.50.
Well, glad to hear that it has normal tracking. But, why do underground metal bands even worry about piracy and file sharing and such? I mean, is it really gonna cut into their sales of 900 CDs, or whatever they're able to sell? I think not. The people who really dig the music will always buy the CD. And, the people who burn or download the music probably wouldn't or couldn't have bought the CD anyways. As an underground band, I would want as many as people to listen to the music as possible, because listening breeds more fans which breeds popularity and financial success.
I know. Bands like Metallica should be doing that instead.

Anyway here's the review that started this: :grin:

Keith "Muzikman" Hannaleck -
The cover of this album reminded me of the classic Roxy Music Avalon release. The colors and imagery are similar. This cover however belongs to symphonic progressive rockers Arena. Their latest effort Contagion fits the mold of a career groundbreaking recording. From what I know of this group, they made a big impression right from the start of their recording career and continued with several albums thereafter. If their previous work has been as impressive as what you will find on this CD, I would not hesitate in snatching up their entire catalog.
As a clever strategy to aggravate possible pirating of their music, they broke up this album into 72 tracks. I guess that would be a deterrent to burning a copy for your buddy now wouldn’t it? It is quite a sight to watch that many tracks click off on your CD player.

From the opening of the startling “Witch Hunt” to the epic closer “Ascension,” this is a rocking, compelling, larger-than-life journey of musical transitions. Vocalist Rob Sowden handles each track with total confidence and the results are astonishing. His voice is so powerful and smooth that it allows him uncommon freedom to move around inside the music as each song develops into a story of its own. The musicianship is absolutely jaw dropping. I got chills listening to this; it elevates your spirits and emotions in such a way that you fall prey to their sound and become completely enveloped in their magical musical spell. There are virtually no weaknesses on this CD. The sound, production, and engineering are excellent, leaving nothing to chance. Driving rhythms powered by an in-step rhythm section, forceful and precision guitar riffs, beautifully layered keyboards, and a lead singer with a purpose, makes this some of the very best music I have heard all year.

Remember the group, Arena, remember the names … Rob Sowden (vocals), John Mitchell (guitar and backing vocals), Clive Nolan (keyboards and backing vocals), Ian Salmon (bass), and Mick Pointer (drums).

Go ahead and cut the cards, lay them on the table and place your wager, and bet the house on this group to become one of the most remembered progressive rock innovators in the 21st century.

Rating: 5/5