Arizona Arnold Palmer


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2008
Minnesota, US
Anybody ever tried these? I'm absolutely fucking addicted to these things, knocking out 3 a day.

Definitely a good replacement to pop/soda/cola, I feel a thousand times better.


thats totally dubbuya on the front.

and yes these are fucking great! all though im more of a arizona black and white fan.
An Arnold Palmer is honestly my litmus test at restaurants... if they can make a good one, the food will be good, without fail.

I fucking love these ones. A bit heavy on the lemonade... but goddamn. Genius.
Arizona iced tea, huge size, 1 BUCK = FTW

I miss the time when they were huuuuuuge (in a glass bottle) and still 1 buck. Now they still are but a tad shorter in an aluminium can.
They're good, but I try to stay away from aspartame/pheynalanine. That shit will fuck you up son.

I once bought a 24 pack of 99c Peach Tea Arizonas. Holy shit was it wonderful. Got the case for only 18 bucks too!
Until I opened this thread, an Arizona Arnold Palmer sounded like it was a masturbation technique. I'm a bit disappointed, to be honest.