Ark? What Happened?


Aug 9, 2005
Does anyone know what happened to these guys?

I just stumbled upon an old CD that was left behind by my ex-boyfriend but the sleeve is long gone.

Who played on this? I think the drums are AMAZING!!

Yeah I could wade through google but I find it better to ask people who may know the band a little better than a search engine.

Faster, better info!!

Basically Jorn Landes ego got too big for the band and wanted its own dressing room so he decided to join Masterplan(who are almost as brutal as ARK! you guys would love them) and now him and his ego have left them after the 2nd album too. The rest of the guys were working on another album and trying to find another singer but i guess that didn't quite work out. The guitarist Tore was in Conception and they did a few reunion shows recently and there whispers of a new album but haven't heard anything.
Yeah, yeah!! I'm just finding out about that now.

I LOVE Kamelot, never heard the Conception stuff but if it's anything like a cross between Ark and Kamelot, I'm SO into it.

savabich2 said:
Yeah, yeah!! I'm just finding out about that now.

I LOVE Kamelot, never heard the Conception stuff but if it's anything like a cross between Ark and Kamelot, I'm SO into it.

Not really a cross between ARK and Kamelot but i actually like Conception more than ARK. Check out the albums In Your Multitude and Parallel Minds. One of my favourite bands.