Armored Saint is doing a new record with John Bush


New Metal Member
Feb 25, 2008
ARMORED SAINT Preparing To Enter Studio - Oct. 2, 2009
Veteran Los Angeles metallers ARMORED SAINT will enter Tranzformer Studios in Burbank, California on October 12 to begin recording their sixth full-length album. The SAINT will be working with Bryan Carlstrom, who will once again handle engineering duties, with the band's very own Joey Vera (bass) in the producer's chair. Joey and Bryan will mix the record, which is scheduled for release in early 2010 via Metal Blade Records.

The as-yet-untitled CD will feature the following songs, among others:

* Black Feet
* Chilled
* Loose Cannon
* Blues
* La Raza
* Head On
* Get Off The Fence
* Left Hook From Right Field

Tranzformer Studios is owned by Dave Jerdan (ALICE IN CHAINS, JANE'S ADDICTION), who produced ARMORED SAINT's 1991 classic "Symbol of Salvation" and Carlstrom, who engineered the same album.

Commented ARMORED SAINT vocalist John Bush: "About a year and a half or so ago, Joey asked me if I'd be interested in writing some songs. I was in the right mind finally, so I said, 'Send me something.'

"To be quite honest, I wasn't thinking in terms of ARMORED SAINT but more like just writing rock music. I felt pretty free with that mentality and the ideas felt very organic.

"With every passing song, things improved and next thing we knew we had about eight songs demoed. Although the idea of sparking something completely new was appealing, it became clear that if it was Joey and I the reality was, let's not kid ourselves; this is ARMORED SAINT.

"So here it comes. Embracing my inner R&B singer and coupling that with our influence of the great Seventies hard rock bands we grew up on."

Added Vera: "John and I began writing over 14 months ago, and in the beginning we had only a general musical direction in which we were going. Once we decided to keep writing and with more of an intention of turning it into an ARMORED SAINT project, we were faced with a few questions. One was how does this new music we're writing fit into the current musical styles of today? And should we care? We quickly answered the latter. We realized we should do what we always did and that is to write good songs. And for ourselves first.

"We are not unaware of our parameters in which we have created over the past 25 years, but we are also not afraid to take chances and simply do what we do best.

"The idea of trying to continue where we left off over 10 years ago since our last release is not very appealing to me. I have to let go of what I did in 1991 and in 2000. Nothing at all against what we've recorded in the past but my head is in a different place now. Trust me; I still want to kill your senses with music, but just in a different way."

Charlie and Scott - Looks like you aren't a priority. :OMG:
Who else would Armored Saint be doing a record with?

My point was that if he was re-joining Anthrax - Wouldn't he focus on cutting "New" Vocals for the "New" Anthrax record. Not Dicking around with Armored Saint..

He could possibly be doing both - but I doubt it. Doing vocals the right way takes time..

Maybe John is waiting to see how these shows go in JAPAN before he makes his final decision?
My point was that if he was re-joining Anthrax - Wouldn't he focus on cutting "New" Vocals for the "New" Anthrax record. Not Dicking around with Armored Saint..

He could possibly be doing both - but I doubt it. Doing vocals the right way takes time..

Maybe John is waiting to see how these shows go in JAPAN before he makes his final decision?

Armored Saint were writing their album before Anthrax got rid of Dan Nelson. First thing is first. John's not going to fuck over his friends in Armored Saint and scrap an entire album they've already written. Yeah, it's a side project - Armored Saint has never had any plans for fullscale touring. They can both co-exist, if John returns to Anthrax.