Armored Saint should open the Priest/Ryche tour!


Since John now has the summer free! Who do have to talk to to get this to happen. Armored Saint playing a big ol' ampitheatre would rock. Then while Queensryche played, I could go get some beer, and then come back for Catholic Priest. I think I have something here.
it would be awesome if armored saint got together again,john bush always said if the time permitted it could happen,i didnt like the earlier aromored saint stuff but revelation is one great rock record,a tour would be icing on the cake.
lespaulbass666 said:
I got a better idea. IF John isn't touring w/ Anthrax this summer and they DO a reunion tour with the ATL lineup, Saint should tour w/ Priest, and Ryche can stay home and fuck themselves. THEY SUCK!!!!! :wave:
Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of theirs. My understanding was that Priest narrowed their choices down to Dio or Queensryche, and the promoters felt Queensryche would be the better draw.... you win some, you lose some...
I know that, at this time, there are no plans for Armored Saint.
But I did tell John Bush that we'd be more than happy to street team for A.S. if they do another tour/album.
Right kids?