Armored Saint on Bang Your Head (a short review)


Feb 13, 2002
The following text was translated from a new issue of Czech magazine Spark (I'm sorry for my poor English):

If you still ruminate over a question which singer should sing on a new Anthrax album, then you go and visit John Bush's performance. If you feel the metal scene lacks for fervidness and love to activity, then John and actually whole Armored Saint will show you, that you are wrong. They don't have to produce albums, they don't have to fill up pages of magazines with a wise talking but if asked to play, your blood runs cold. I can't describe the power with which the Saints blew Balingen down that day. And even though John get an oportunity from Anthrax anymore, nevermind. With remembrance of Bang Your Head Festival, I'll just wait for a new Armored Saint album. I guarantee it will be awesome and Mr. Singer will crown it!


In the same issue, there's also an interview with Joey Vera. Among others he talked about John Bush and Anthrax. I'll send it tomorrow.
Drokk said:
How's your Czech?
About as good as any Americans, thanks for asking!:lol: As DD pointed out, I was kidding, and I still am. Have a nice day!:kickass: