Armored Saint

Kind of so-so, on par with "Revelations" but way under the brilliant "La Raza" or "Symbol Of Salvation.

Still gonna buy it soon.
Here's my review of Win Hands Down.

Vicious Robbie was also disappointed deep with the album, but he also hates the brilliant "La Raza" so his views can be skewed :D

I understand your review, I partially agree as also I'm not very excited by the new album and some of the lengthy songs you pointed out, specially with 'In An Instant' which bores me greatly. But the first four I think give the album life enough, to give a bit more than 50 % of the points (I will rank it 6.5/10)

Still I like it enough to purchase (will do in a couple of weeks), after all I also has the weak "Revelations" :devil:
Vicious Robbie was also disappointed deep with the album, but he also hates the brilliant "La Raza" so his views can be skewed :D

I understand your review, I partially agree as also I'm not very excited by the new album and some of the lengthy songs you pointed out, specially with 'In An Instant' which bores me greatly. But the first four I think give the album life enough, to give a bit more than 50 % of the points (I will rank it 6.5/10)

Still I like it enough to purchase (will do in a couple of weeks), after all I also has the weak "Revelations" :devil:

Wyvern, thanks for the feedback. The first three songs on the disc where the ones that the band released online before the actual album release date. It whet the appetite for sure, but I didn't pay an overly large amount of attention to the songs until I got the album.
Thanks to you for contribute here as well as review albums. The metal community needs more active people like you.

Well, I do what I can. I wish I was able to do more reviews but I get them out as fast as I can.
After spinning it several times, I must day that with the exception of 'In An Instant' that really bores me and get on my nerves, the rest of the album delivers pretty well for my money.

Is not going to be top 10 material, but will work in a year pretty much devoid of interesting stuff to me (I have bought a lot of old albums, but few releases for 2015).
I saw Amored Saint as the support act of Queensrÿche last week here in Eindhoven. They were great! I have not heard the album yet. Just the title track.

I thought the title track was great! :)
I thought the title track was great! :)

Well, the title track is the strongest song of the album IMO, but the last one 'Up Yours' as well as 'An Exercise In Dabauchery' and 'Muscle Memory' are pretty good tunes too.
They played 'An Exercise In Dabauchery' in Eindhoven. I remember a song title like that!! :D

I agree, the first time I saw the title, I thought quite a mouthful for a song.