Arsis=the next Death!


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I finally picked up Arsis/United In Regret and all I can say is "WOW". These guys are amazing and to me sound similiar to Death but without ripping them off. Great progressive/tecnical/thrash/death/metal. This C.D. hasn't left my player since Friday. I wish i would have picked this up sooner. Comments welcome.

you went too far calling them the next "death". death had strong roots in traditional metal. arsis is extremely modern, kinda like nevermore.

great band.
I thought that at first too but after a LONG time I've decided that United In Regret is better than A Celebration of Guilt. ACoG is just more accessible. United in Regret took a long time to grow on me. I mean I liked it at first don't get me wrong, but it's taken me almost a year to absorb/analyze everything about it to make my decision.
that vocalist was only there for the tour, the guitar player still sings. they only had the other guy because the guitar player was sick and couldnt sing
Their bass player had an interesting stage presence... playing over the neck half the time, shoving his face into the crowd, and generally seeming more active than the singer. On top of that, he looked frighteningly like Marty Friedman.

you went too far calling them the next "death". death had strong roots in traditional metal. arsis is extremely modern, kinda like nevermore.

great band.

Maybe I went to far calling them the next Death, But Arsis reminds me of Death quite a bit. I know Death has strong roots and have influenced alot of bands. Also, Chuck Shuldiner has a great legacy.
