Thoughts on Arsis/Ballet Deviar.


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I've seen this on Headbangers Ball and to me Arsis has a "progressive/technical/death metal sound" reminiscent of Death/Carcass (Heartwork-era). My question is, is this band worth checking out? I've been impressed with what I have heard so far. Any info, comments, etc... welcome. Thanks.

I recommend checking out United In Regret, it came out last year, I think its real good but other people will say its not as good as their first album, thats just insanity.
no, thier first album is amazing, thier ep a diamond for disease is great and the new album is good, but definately not as good as the first album. they're definately a band worth checking out.
I don't like their albums, but they are pretty good live.

As for Ballet Deviare, Gwynbleidd performed the song they played for it at Heathen Crusade, and it was quite awesome (Though, it suffered from Opeth stage disease).
I think putting ballet to death metal is a bad idea. It'd be much more suited something that has a clear-cut rythem. It's be easier to dance to Meshuggah than death metal, and that's saying something.
I think putting ballet to death metal is a bad idea. It'd be much more suited something that has a clear-cut rythem. It's be easier to dance to Meshuggah than death metal, and that's saying something.

The stuff I've seen & heard from Arsis seems to actually go along with the ballet dancing by actually accenting and accomaditing the music. Ballet to some of Meshuggah's "DESTROY/ERASE/IMPROVE" could be interesting.
Opeth stage disease is a term commonly used in place of "Didn't move at all on stage" around the internet. My personal opinion does not effect my use of this term.