Arsis - United in Regret


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Arsis – United in Regret
Willowtip Records – WT049 – November 14th, 2006
By Jason Jordan


Arsis’s third outing in as many years is predictable, offering nary a surprise yet delivering what we’ve come to expect from Malone and company – guitar-centric melodeath that is, above all, kickass. Proving their abilities and consequent value from the outset with the highly-lauded A Celebration of Guilt in 2004, and cementing it further with the epic-based EP A Diamond for Disease, United in Regret sees Arsis in excellent form, as usual, but not quite able to surpass their finest hour.

Like their previous installments, UiR contains similar pros and cons. On the pro side: the musicianship is of virtuoso quality without being over-the-top, pretentious, or masturbatory; there exist compelling and intricate compositions (“Oh, the Humanity,” “United in Regret,” “Lust Before the Maggot’s Conquest”) that will eventually find their way onto an Arsis best-of, if one ever comes to fruition; and the artwork and layout are simply well-done. On the con side: the production could be much better, since it’s muddier than optimal, though it is sufficient; the lyrics aren’t anything special, partially due to their redundancy; and the 3+-minute cover of Depeche Mode’s “The Things You Said,” which thankfully doesn’t bring the album to a close, makes up part of the 36-minute total length. While I was skeptical that they’d be able to overpower A Celebration of Guilt, I was hoping we’d receive more material, but to be fair, at the rate they’re creating and unleashing music, Arsis will provide eager musicgoers with a new record every year or two.

With that being said, the highlights are nearly obvious since they stand out so clearly, and if you’ve been on board with the Malone/Van Dyne tagteam before, United in Regret will be reassurance, although it’s too short and not without its individual flaws. Still, Arsis rules regardless. Perhaps it’d be in their best interest, however, to take 2007 off to give their fans and themselves a breather prior to returning in 2008 with yet another killer full-length.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Arsis Website
Official Willowtip Records Website
Incredible band that produces amazing music.
I enjoy this album a lot, but I do have to say that it doesn't top their debut.
It took a lot of listening to get a feel for it because of the complexity (even for the genre), but after each listen it got more memorable.
I'm not the biggest fan of Van Dyne's drumming, as I think it can be rather boring/stereotypical most of the time. Malone is an incredible guitarist, but in my opinion should perhaps learn when to hold back for the sake of taste or not overwhelming the listener. An incredibly technical solo laid over an already hard-to-follow riff (at least through the first few listens) can be too much at sometimes. This is just my taste though.
But overall, great album. Not quite as epic or infectious as A Celebration of Guilt, and I think this album's production and execution could've been a little better; but I can certainly respect where they're trying to go with this.