

Oct 16, 2005
Colorado, USA
Saw Arsis tonight and it was fucking badass. The Faceless was decent enough as an opener and the first guys, a local band called Murder Comes in Rows are terrible. Blah. Apparently the headliners, All Shall Perish weren't there tonight because of a sickness, so I thought that was awesome since A) I wasn't planning on staying anyway B) I figured Arsis could play longer. However, Arsis was having guitar troubles and James had bronchitis and to top it off, they only had about six songs prepared.
1. The Cold Resistance
2. The Sadistic Motives Behind Bereavement Letters (Love this song)
3. Diamond For Disease
4. Face of My Innocence
5. Hopeless Truth

I'm trying to remember if they played another because I could sware they played six, but oh well. Anyway, even with the problems it was fucking badass and only $8 anyway. I bought myself two shirts one short sleeve for $10 and a long sleeve for $20

I think I may have to get this framed like this...

Oh, what is that white glowy thing you ask?
Oh, nothing much... just some autographs :)
I got to talk to each of the guys as they were all hanging out around the bar area (As it was a small bar anyway...) I didn't talk to too many of them for an extended period, only Ryan the live guitar player. He seemed pretty cool and down to earth. I wanted to talk to the drummer, Mike, but he was busy getting his kit ready so I just shook his hand and told him I appreciate what he does. He seemed very pleasant. Apparently, they've asked Ryan to join the band, but he's still considering it as he has another band (Looked them up on MA, apparently they're Melodeath/Metalcore...)

My long sleeve shirt. Sorry for the blurriness. This is the front.

Close-up of front.


Back close-up.

When I frame that t-shirt and autograph(s), they're going up right next to my WoY guitar string \m/
I like that new longsleeve shirt-- I was lucky enough to see Arsis twice in the last 5 months and briefly talked to Malone both times.

The new album hasn't really hit me yet-- don't get me wrong-- I think it's good-- but it hasn't made my jaw drop as I had hoped.

Seeing them again with Napalm Death on Dec. 15....
Same here on the new one. I think the songs have so many layers that it takes a while to appreciate them. Sounds like its gonna be a grower for me. I'm jealous guys, I'm sure Arsis is amazing live.