art contest


Oct 27, 2002
so anyone doin this contest? if so may i see? heres what i got so far, im doin 3 more for each other member.

wow...i woudnt be surprised if that won. Really nice artwork all around especially in the way that it all flows together. I can't wait to see the others because thats really damn good. I was considering attempting this contest but I don't really think my artistic skills are gonna cut it.
i have only done was of mikael...and i actually gave it to him personally when i didn't even know that the album art thing was gonna happen....then when he told me that this picture had a chance to be on the next album, i about shit myself.
Style looks quite nice, but from an artists point of view, your face-painting is not that good.

In some way all the persons on you picture look like Aerosmith with a bent acoustic guitar. ;)
BLackwater86 said:
wow...i woudnt be surprised if that won. Really nice artwork all around especially in the way that it all flows together. I can't wait to see the others because thats really damn good. I was considering attempting this contest but I don't really think my artistic skills are gonna cut it.

Well...I would be really surprised if that one won. Dont get me wrong, its nice, but I dont think Opeth would pick a cover with only Mikael on it :wave:
thanks for the feedback guys, means alot rather be positive or negative. damn i need a new avatar, i havent been on this board in ages. the face coment, yea i know some of his faces seem a bit blahed out then again charcoal cant shrink and hard enough tryin to combine everything on 18x24, the wedding shot or the one singing wit electric was the hardest cause of reducing size. and i think the last one was about how just mikael wont win, i know, i makin one of pete and the other martins as well