My first Guitar

why do u want a b.c rich? there are alot of better guitar's out there

since you a begginer i personally think you should get has a metal feel to it and it has great value for money...

i'm mainly a bassplayer but i do play guitar...
i have an ibanez S270 w/ a new flotd rose tremolo II bridge
An Ibanez SR705 (5string bass)
and another really old Soundgear 4-string

i also have a digitech rp200
eek how can you say that ibanez are crap =P. I owned an ibanez and it was really a cheap piece of crap and only the top models of ibanez are worth it but not as much as the top models of the B.C. rich, dont listen to me or him go look to some reviews or test both guitars yourself i guarantee you will at least agree with me when i say they are not that many guitars better than b.c. rich guitars and if they are ibanez are not for the most part.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
eek how can you say that ibanez are crap =P. I owned an ibanez and it was really a cheap piece of crap and only the top models of ibanez are worth it but not as much as the top models of the B.C. rich, dont listen to me or him go look to some reviews or test both guitars yourself i guarantee you will at least agree with me when i say they are not that many guitars better than b.c. rich guitars and if they are ibanez are not for the most part.

geez, which ibanez do u own and how much did it cost? my s270 cost (converted to US) less than has good range of tone and a fast neck with v. low action, even though it is made in japan it is still good....b.c rich aren't top of the line guitars at all...the are only known for their outrageous body shapes...apart from that, nothing special
Hehe. I haven't heard guitar talk since... my ex and I broke up. Whoa... I haven't heard guitar talk in nine months or so. Cool. :p
He has a silvery explorer, in case anyone was wondering. I don't have a guitar... there is one with broken strings lying around here somewhere... aucustic, wooden guitar... bought in the early 70's sometime. Belonged to the father of my brother's before he decided to 'pass on'.
Well, I'm going back there today and I will definitely check the guitars out. The B.C. Rich Custom is $449 and comes with Strings, Picks, Amp (10 Watt), Stand, and a Strap.
If it doesn't work out, there is another Music shop not to far from where I live that I can check out. Thanks for the advice though. I've also thought about getting an Ibanez but I don't know.

Oh, and I think it comes with a case too. The B.C. Rich custom is $279 by itself.
Hey, I called them up and found out that the other guitar is a Vantage kit for $298. I have heard some bad things about Vantage electrics, but what do you guitar buffs think about them? Are they worth getting?
I myself own:
Jem 7VWH
Ibanez JPM P4

The Jem is a beautiful guitar and sounds much better than the P4 but for some reason i find the P4 to feel better while playing it so im usually torn over which to play =(
Originally posted by Raven777
I've got a purple Ibanez RG570 which I tune to Bb and A...
Soon I will get an Ibanez RG4760 7-String so I could be able to use the high string and do clean riffs live...
I've also got cherry red Ovation Celebrity acoustic... so dark sounding!
...and a Cordoba C40 classical...
I love my axes too!! They unlock the path to my music and for that I take great care of them...
The way I see some of my friends treat their axes makes me wonder if I can apply for adoption...

Drums, bass, keyboards, socks, man it's all good!!

you are the coolest now.,.,.,wut amp are you using (i have an Ibanez Rg7.,..,and its fucking awsome) DONT GET THE AX seven string.,.,.,its a piece of shit,..,.,..,i have alot of trouble droping down to A with my floyd rose.,.,.,i cant stand it.,.,.
I have an EX Series Ibanez, bought it for 100 bucks off of ebay. I love this fuckin guitar. I went out and bought an expensive Epiphone: man was a piece of shit. I had to return it right away cause it couldnt compare to my Ibanez for shit. I like the handling, even though i have to press harder on the strings than any other electric guitar ive ever played.

the sound is so fuckin deep and metal, which is the main reason i prefer this one. Whenever i play my ibanez i get the feeling i have the biggest fuckin balls ever heh. :lol:
Man, look around for better used guitar for around 450$
Get someone you can trust to go to the shops with
you.The trade in value will stay the same on a good
used guitar but the BC value will go down as soon as
you take it out of the store.IMHO
My gitfiddles:
73 Les Paul Deluxe
84 Ibanez Universe
75 Fender Precision with a 68 neck
99 Johnson Resonator
late 70's Suzuki Threes acoustic
Late 60's Teisco(hopped up for electric slide)
Originally posted by Brujerismo
I have an EX Series Ibanez, bought it for 100 bucks off of ebay. I love this fuckin guitar. I went out and bought an expensive Epiphone: man was a piece of shit. I had to return it right away cause it couldnt compare to my Ibanez for shit. I like the handling, even though i have to press harder on the strings than any other electric guitar ive ever played.

the sound is so fuckin deep and metal, which is the main reason i prefer this one. Whenever i play my ibanez i get the feeling i have the biggest fuckin balls ever heh. :lol:

:headbang: :headbang: .,.,lol.,.,its true.,.,.im really cocky when i use my ibanez.,.,i think a little too cocky for my own talent.,.,.but i dont care.,.,.:)
Come on people. Are b.c. rich (custom) guitars really that bad? It's really the only thing I can find that isn't too expensive. By itself it is $279 as I mentioned.
There are no used guitar stores in my area really.
There's a pon shop but they have shit. I didn't get to go today do to some problems:mad:.

BTW how much did you guys pay for your guitars? You all have some great equipment.
Originally posted by NightFlier
Come on people. Are b.c. rich (custom) guitars really that bad? It's really the only thing I can find that isn't too expensive. By itself it is $279 as I mentioned.
There are no used guitar stores in my area really.
There's a pon shop but they have shit. I didn't get to go today do to some problems:mad:.

BTW how much did you guys pay for your guitars? You all have some great equipment.

they're not bad....but there are alot of better guitar's out there for the same price...for i begginer i think should spent about 400-450 on a guitar...don't just get any old one coz once you get better you'd want a better guitar so if i you a fairly decent one now, you'll be satisfied with it longer...btw they have some great deal online at or

EDIT: my ibanez s-series cost around 500 USdollars (converted from Hong Kong dollars) that is a very decent guitar...i highly reccomend it..the s370
I don't think I would be able to order from the interent. At it looks like they have some good deals, but I am from Canada and thats in the States so the price would be too much. Can you name any specific guitar that is mabye better then the B.C. that would cost in the $300-$400 or so range, so that I could look for some around my area. Thank ya.
Hehehe nay. Both my b.c. rich and my ibañez ( rx if you most know ) are entry line and both can be found for around 150 bucks ( the b.c. rich is rave II series wich is somehow like the today Bronze series ) and in real life with a number of real amplifiers ( i runned both in peavys fenders marshalls and a mesa dual rectifier once ) and the ibañez falls flat and never stays in tune for mor than 5 minutes ( against 2 or 3 hours in tune with the b.c. rich, more than enough for all the live situations wich is my main use for it ). Is not just the shape my b.c. rich has just better tune and less feedback ( never changed either humbuckers ). I know a friend with a jackson and is a sweet guitar too but i still like my sound better than hims, its personal choise at the ends but not many metal players hate b.c. rich there is more to then that weird forms and gay hairmetal colors.
My first and only guitar was back in the mid to late 60's, when I watched Rex Trailer and Boomtown. I got one of those tan plastic jobs with what seemed like fishing line for strings (only 4 if I remember). Then I could look the a cowboy.

Best and only guitar I've ever had. :D
Carvin Bolt-T:
Deep purple body/headstock (reverse inline)
Black hardware
Black pearloid pickguard
Plain metal knobs, not those fruity plastic ones with the numbers on them