Guitar players and knowing people


Eternal flaming grave
Nov 21, 2001
Russia, Saint-Petersburg
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Hello, people and guitarplayers, :wave:

I myself know almost nothing in that theme. I would appreciate some help from you. I plan on acquiring an electric guitar, and my choice has fallen upon 3 species:

Ibanez RG370 DX or
B.C. Rich Ironbird or
B.C. Rich Warlock (Platinum series)

Please post you opinion on these models or maybe you could suggest me on one of three. Your commnts on here.
I've never liked BC Rich guitars. Although I'm not an Ibanez fanatic either, I've heard nothing but good things from friends. I don't know anything about the model, but I would have to say the Ibanez, even though I'm a sucker for designs and the Warlock has quite a wicked fucking design.

Hope this helps.