New Guitar

Regardless, the phenom's post about how much he "OMG HATES WOW YEYEYEY LOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL" was completely random and uneeded, as well as just a regurgitation of someone elses opinion that he's read somewhere else.

The "OMG WOW IS FOR NERDS WITH NO LIVES" viewpoint is practically an institution.
POSTJUMP^^It is pathetic how you think youre always right and state your OPINIONS AS FACTS. I give my opinion and you dont need to give a fuck about it. I did tell you why i thought it was lame so dont you get going on that i just said "wow is lame lololololol" you were in some other thread to someones music taste "LOL YOUR MUSIC TASTE SUCKS *lots of laughing smileys*" which is really AS obnoxious as the 3 posts i made and probably worse. Now stop whining about was my opinion and not pointed towards you. Let me have my opinions like i let you have yours. tbh im not interested in hearing if you playd WoW 1year ago or a month ago...its your problem not mine. I try to stay neutral and not piss anybody off but you just seem to be a exception and not really be able to get critizized or hear something you have a DIFFERENT OPINION of.
POSTJUMP^^It is pathetic how you think youre always right and state your OPINIONS AS FACTS. I give my opinion and you dont need to give a fuck about it. I did tell you why i thought it was lame so dont you get going on that i just said "wow is lame lololololol" you was in some other thread to someones music taste "LOL YOUR MUSIC TASTE SUCKS *lots of laughing smileys*" which is really AS obnoxious as the 3 posts i made and probably worse. Now stop whining about was my opinion and not pointed towards you. Let me have my opinions like i let you have yours. tbh im not interested in hearing if you playd WoW 1year ago or a month ago...its your problem not mine.

Yes but my opinion that SOAD are shit is just that, it's my opinion. Your "opinion" that WoW is shit has been said thousands of times by thousands other people who, most probably, think that way because the others do. It's always the same story:

"WoW is shit and for nerds lol"

"Have you played it?"



Pretty much everyone who has some silly little vendetta against MMORPGs or "hate them". Have either never played them, or are simply saying it to look cool.
^^Pretty much...i just dont like them. Not enough straightforward to me to take out my stress on. I just dont have time to play a game thats unlimited and is basicly neverending and boring at many points:lol:

Yes but my opinion that SOAD are shit is just that, it's my opinion. Your "opinion" that WoW is shit has been said thousands of times by thousands other people who, most probably, think that way because the others do. It's always the same story:

"WoW is shit and for nerds lol"

"Have you played it?"



It doesnt need to be shit. Its just a game that absorbs peoples mind in a way im not comfortable with...ive played runescape and yes it was chess with pieces of shit. WoW might be fun when you put yourself into it and all but it goes 70 percent of times too far. Ive tested it but its not a game that easy to learn to test on 5 minutes and tbh i aint so interested in games anymore. I know what it is/i know how it looks/I know how it works...enough for me...not shit game but its still sick and stupid what people do with it. MY OPINION IS: I HATE MMORPG GAMES....they get me bored and are otherwise too slow for me to play. I do base my opinions on facts not something i think or say to seem smart or cool. Yes its been said a thousand times...just like "SOAD" sucks has surely been said a thousand times. Yes i dont like them either but it doesnt mean they suck...theyre just not for me. In other words they suck for me:rolleyes:
^^tell me waht do you see as opinion in that? It was a estimate of the ones who play WoW who take the gaming into a bit more than couple of hours per day(whole days and shit)...well lets say 50% then...70 was maybe a it exaggurated anyway. Im tired and im making these long ass bitch posts coz im bored :p
^^tell me waht do you see as opinion in that? It was a estimate of the ones who play WoW who take the gaming into a bit more than couple of hours per day(whole days and shit)...well lets say 50% then...70 was maybe a it exaggurated anyway. Im tired and im making these long ass bitch posts coz im bored :p

And you're basing these percentages on what? What other people have said, which was my point.
^^Its an estimate...i dont listen to what a friend of a friend of a brothers cat told him...thats bullshit. Its just the way it is. Well anyway the percentage is big because that game is truly one of those to "deepen" into. Im sure there would be statistics somewhere. Have you btw heard first man who died because of computer games died of WoW?:lol: And in korea they have made several places where addicted players to WoW can get help. Its a extremely popular game and some take it too far some dont. Don't take me too seriously...i dont even care if im wrong. That aint going on around the world tho...just brought it up becoz its crazy.
And people taking something too seriously is a reason to "OMG HATE IT"? Some people take smoking too seriously and die of cancer, do you hate all smokers? Some people take drinking too seriously and die from liver disease, do you hate all drinkers?
^^Dude i hate the game...or dislike might be better. Not the persons playing it:lol: I dont dislike smokers...lot of my friends smoke and drink so. I more meant that you should not take MY opinions so heavily since i will say alot of stuff that you will find either offensive or annoying. And no i dont do it on purpose...just expressing my opinion on this forum:)

Game addiction

Stories of game addiction are a common source of criticism. In June 2005 it was reported that a child had died due to neglect by her World of Warcraft-addicted parents in Korea.[57] In August of that year, the government of the People's Republic of China proposed new rules to curb what they perceived to be social and financial costs brought on by the popularity of games such as World of Warcraft. The measure would enforce a time limit on China's estimated total of 20 million gamers.[58] The Chinese government and The9, the licensee for World of Warcraft in China, have likewise imposed a modification on Chinese versions of the game which places flesh on bare-boned skeletons and transforms dead character corpses into tidy graves. These changes were done as a result of the Chinese government seeing it highly due to attempt to "promote a healthy and harmonious online game environment" in World of Warcraft.[59]

Dr. Maressa Orzack, a clinical psychologist at McLean Hospital in Newton, Massachusetts, was interviewed August 8, 2006, stating that of the 6 million subscribers "I'd say that 40 percent of the players are addicted."[60] The 40% figure was not derived from a scientific study overseen by Dr. Orzack, but rather came from "a forum that Nick Yee runs". She added in an August 2006 interview that "even if the percentage is 5 to 10 percent which is standard for most addictive behaviors, it is a huge number of people who are out of control."[61] Also, according to Dr. John Grohol, a colleague of Orzack's, "Dr. Orzack is not claiming that up to 40 percent of World of Warcraft gamers are addicted based upon any actual evidence or surveys of players. This is just her opinion, based upon her own experience and observation of the problem."[62]

I guess i wasnt far away. I still doubt if it wasnt a common problem they would not have these kinda sites
I really ROFLED while reading some of those "addicted persons" posts.:lol:
You realise that you're exactly the same as the people who "hate metal" because it "makes people angry and suicidal". There's no fucking difference.
^^Yes there is. JESUS WHY WONT YOU GET IT?!:lol: I just hate the game...its a opinion. You dont like me:lol: That doesnt mean youre like the ones who hate metal! Its just a game dude! relax:lol: And metal has as much to do with murders/suicides as satanism has to do with devils worshipping which is 2 completely different things...none of them often even used in metal even if so believed.

#22990I used to live in Melbourne, Australia with my wife and two young boys. On fathersday this year 2007 my wife and I broke up as she said she has grown too independent and did not need me anymore. We both played WoW, me a bit more than her but I believe that us sitting in the same room not communicating most of the time is what lead to our marriage break up. I no longer play WoW and have moved to Central Queensland and just hope that if she is still playing that she can shake it off at some time. If she wants to keep in contact with the people from her guild she could just get their phone numbers and ring them from time to time but I think after a few talks on the phone she would realize that all they have to talk about is WoW. If your partner says to you its ok to play I don't mind do not listen as women seem to talk around in circles and never really say what they mean even if they think they are. I learned the hard way what is important to me I hope someone reading this can benefit from my misfortune and save the marriage as that is the greatest mistake I ever made... Spend time with the ones you love not pixels.

Jeez...way to go with the marriage. That was actually shocking!
You are hilarious :lol: The most gullible person ever. I'm surprised you're not blaming metal music for the finnish schoolchildren massacre.

Ever, just maybe, thought that it's the person not the game at fault?
^^Erm...that would be rather stupid to blame. It was his choice.

You are hilarious :lol: The most gullible person ever. I'm surprised you're not blaming metal music for the finnish schoolchildren massacre.

Ever, just maybe, thought that it's the person not the game at fault?

Gimme a fucking brake! YOURE GIVING ME HELL FOR HATING A MMORPG game:lol: Jesus man! this is getting not liking a game you do have nothing do with disliking other things. I dont categorize anything. Please stop! This is getting alot of bullshit and nonsense. It was hilarious but you twist my words and twist everything into weird stuff. Think about it...all this bashing/blaming arguing over that i said i hate WoW?:lol: Damnit!
Yeah, because not only was you're WoW hatred post uneeded. You can't even give a reason for it :lol:
Yeah, because not only was you're WoW hatred post uneeded. You can't even give a reason for it :lol:

Dude are you brainwashing me?!??! IM GOING CRAZY:lol: I hate it because it is slow and i dont generally like that type of game. I Just dont like it...its overrated too but shit the same. Im more of a FPS person but i rarely anymore have time to play. Dude...youre gonna make me faint if you argue over this too:lol:

I like this game. It's called Super Monkey Poop Fight
Dude are you brainwashing me?!??! IM GOING CRAZY:lol: I hate it because it is slow and i dont generally like that type of game. I Just dont like it...its overrated too but shit the same. Im more of a FPS person but i rarely anymore have time to play. Dude...youre gonna make me faint if you argue over this too:lol:

Well WHY didn't you just say that in the firstplace!? Instead of spewing all the stereotypical bullshit about addiction. That was my point.
I hate to break it to you, but most discussions going on here are often not changing anyone's opinion on anything, so if wasting time is considered "of use", then you're right.

I'm going to quote myself so that you two can read it again.