second geeetaaah

Deathroller said:
LTDs really suck, I know because I have one

as for the F-50, I dislike the shape, bland pick-ups and fixed bridge

I like the shape myself... as for pickups and bridge, I'm not much of a guitar player, I run this thing through a Bass overdrive pdal and into my 10 watt bass amp. It's good for just messing around with, and its cheap.
Yeah.. not to expensive. But I think I tried a similar model to the dxmg at a music store... and I wanted to bought there and then.. but it had no trem..
Raistlin Majere said:
my ex had 3 guitars, a fender stratocaster, a washburn dimebolt and an esp explorer ltd. everybody envied him:p
hm, nah, only the fender is to envy....and after I play it and know it's not a cheaply crafted POS like modern fenders these days :erk: