For guitarists (with whammy bars on their guitars)

does the ibanez pwn the schaller (floyd rose ) or is the schaller better?
^ lawl that coming from you.. i've not expected sth else :p

BucketBanger9000 said:
I have a question. What the hell does this have anything to do with COB?
i have an answer: who cares? :p
The only thing I don't like about the Edge trem I have is that screw-in arm like on fender bridges. The threads are getting stripped from usage and it makes the bar wobbly when I go to grab it and it kinda sucks cause I know it's only gonna get worse.
Same here. I like the look of RG550's but they don't make them properly anymore, but I want the new type of neck joint because the old models, like mine have that huge bulk in the way and it's hard to reach the higher frets. Apart from that though, I'd just use 550/770.