For guitarists (with whammy bars on their guitars)

neck through is fine, i just felt like fucking something. Only bad bad part about neck though is that it is harder to ship, and you can't do jake e lee style bombs.
a jake e lee bomb doesn't use the whammy bar. It envolves bending your neck and if you have a neck through you risk cracking the neck. A bolt on will give more.
War_Blade said:
a jake e lee bomb doesn't use the whammy bar. It envolves bending your neck and if you have a neck through you risk cracking the neck. A bolt on will give more.

Well, in most cases, people don't know what they're doing. there are probably like 1% of the guitar playing population that know how to do it right, without fucking up their guitar. Not a risk I'm willing to take to try and practicie that technique, honestly.
Feel_The_Force said:
You would probably risk breaking the neck of a bolt-on aswell so i don't think it makes much difference.

It is nearly impossible to break a bolt on by doing that because the bolt on moves around more.

homer said:
my guitar will have carbon rods in the neck to prevent this

the rod won't do anything, it is the wood that cracks not the rod bending.
its neck through anyway....
and the rod's from bottom to headstock, so it helps. the wood wont break as easy....