New Guitar


Godin Detour '06 User
Nov 3, 2007
Quebec, Canada.
Heya to everyone!

So, I'm making that board to know what guitar I should take for my new guitar that I'm going to buy really soon!

I'm looking for a guitar that is quite good, I mean, not like my guitar heh.

I kinda have like ... 100$ for me, but my dad would pay kinda the rest with me, because I asked him a ( Okay, it was a weird idea, but I changed since some weeks, so now I want to be a good guitarist than a good gamers haha ) Ps3..... haha ... That was really lame... but now I want a guitar heh!

So, don't tell me guitars that cost like 3000$ or more... I just want to chance the style of my guitar and get it a little better... Because my Godin Detour isn't a good guitar for Metal. My ex-best friend had a B.C. Rich Warlock, and It was seriously better than me. When I tune my guitar, I have to put 2 flat to have a good sound of metal... but I have to put it in D if I want to play Canon Rock or other classical music I know only in D.

So, what you guys suggest me!?! I'm waiting for some reply :loco:
You'll probably get bashed for making a new thread, and not posting this in the guitarplayer's thread but.. You can check out Ibanez guitars. They're really good and pretty much affordable.
Oh, I'm sorry 'bout that.

But, well, when I bought my Godin Detour, the guy from the shop said : You should take this one, so after some try I bought it... but I regret heh!

My other choice was a Les Paul Custom or a Epiphone SG...

But thanks for the tip :p
what is the meaning of your avatar

I was looking for a good avatar, but I couldn't get a good one into my Avatar DataBase... so I took a random one... and its really weird I know... Its one of those damn Dumb Rabit... I'll look for other one heh
How old are you btw? Just wondering.
Alot of friends of mine have the Les Paul, and they like it well enough yeah.
If you don't know anything about guitars do what Squee said, and look at Ibanez stuff.

Some friends of mine have started out on shit like Yamaha and Fender starter kits...not very great guitars, but they are cheap and come with equally shitty amps. Not great but for someone who is just starting you don't need anything fancy :p.

But I'm a bass player, so my opinion is false :S
Maybe if you buy an ESP like Alexi's, you just might get a ton better!

Isn't too expensive? I feel like it is...

How old are you btw? Just wondering.
Alot of friends of mine have the Les Paul, and they like it well enough yeah.
If you don't know anything about guitars do what Squee said, and look at Ibanez stuff.

Some friends of mine have started out on shit like Yamaha and Fender starter kits...not very great guitars, but they are cheap and come with equally shitty amps. Not great but for someone who is just starting you don't need anything fancy :p.

But I'm a bass player, so my opinion is false :S

I'm 17 Years Old. I'm going to see for some guitars with my dad at some place in Montreal, because the only shop in Rimouski that is : Métronomie are perfect scammer. My guitar cost me about 450$CAN. My amp about 130$CAN. And I'm not happy at all heh! If I buy a new guitar, I would go in some good shop in Montreal or Quebec.

Personally, one of my friend, bought a guitar because of me ( heh, I don't regret it ), and he bought the worse shit you can have... Those Raptor Guitar.
A friend of mine ( girl ) going to buy a guitar, because she like to ROCK so, this summer, she said when she's going to have 800$, she's going to buy a guitar, and then, I could give her some tips about which guitar to chose. Currently, I'm giving Guitar Course to those friends, and they learn really fast. They're currently learning Smoke On The Water, even if it been only 1month and 4 days they play heh.

Lets continue? Some other idea?
I'm 17 Years Old. I'm going to see for some guitars with my dad at some place in Montreal, because the only shop in Rimouski that is : Métronomie are perfect scammer.

The best shops in Montreal are Steve's music center, Italmelodie and Kitt's Music. If you need any info, PM me.
Isn't too expensive? I feel like it is...

:lol: You fail to see the sarcasm? You're guitar is fine, you really don't need another one to improve your playing. A good guitar player can pick up any guitar and make it sound good, do you get what I'm saying?
:lol: You fail to see the sarcasm? You're guitar is fine, you really don't need another one to improve your playing. A good guitar player can pick up any guitar and make it sound good, do you get what I'm saying?

Yeah I know that, but I mean... My guitar is supposed to be a "Blues" guitar as the guy from that mediocre shop said to me after I complained about the sound of metal heh! And it alway slip from my leg, even if I wear the strap, it slip! So, I can play with my guitar, of sure, but not as an other guitar.

You know what I want to say in that "way"?
i agree with squee...ibanez are great to play-IMO-it was my first guitar...not the best one in the world, but i like em!
i agree with squee...ibanez are great to play-IMO-it was my first guitar...not the best one in the world, but i like em!

Yeah, surely heh.

I'll take Squeee with me to a shop in Montreal, we'll see heh :yuk:

But from my side, Godin are good guitar, but only for people who whould like to make "soft" music.
A Detour is a good guitar for beginner, just to learn how the guitar is made of heh, but not that much.
But, since I'm not considered as a "beginner completely" at Guitar, I would like to change a little my Guitar Style.
As course you know by now Ibanez are good to go with, so is newest guitar is a B.C. Rich Warlock...not a bad choice either
best of luck to you...all I've got to say is fucking practice, that matters more than the guitar

Thanks for you post.

But well, you know, I'm considered as "pro" for my friends heh, but for myself, I'm neutral-good. If I could have a simple chance to let you hear the real sound that come from my amp, its way better than on YouTube.

Each day, I'm praticing guitar like... 2 to 4 hours.

And I'm sure that, if I change guitar, I'll get a way better sound...
Tell me how much you're willing to spend , which type of axe you're looking , what kind of sound , depending on the amp , ill help you out. Btw , i live in Quebec too , i speak french actually. Leave me a pm , ill help you out. My gear is a Edwards E-AL-128 with a shitty line6 spider 3 ( which isnt that bad for a beginner but im getting bored...) PM ME BRA