My first Guitar

I just came back from that store. I went with an experienced guitar player. We hooked the B.C. Rich up(it's a Warlock for F*UCK sacks hehe) and it sounded good to me. The guy said he liked it.
I noticed they had all the great guiters you have mentioned. Ibenez, Gibson etc..they were all over $1000.
I made a mistake: it is $389 by itself.
THe B.C. R does not have the "Bend" thingy on it so that wont be a problem.
[I have never heard of A Kramer Striker? Sounds funny]
Originally posted by NightFlier
I just came back from that store. I went with an experienced guitar player. We hooked the B.C. Rich up(it's a Warlock for F*UCK sacks hehe) and it sounded good to me. The guy said he liked it.
I noticed they had all the great guiters you have mentioned. Ibenez, Gibson etc..they were all over $1000.
I made a mistake: it is $389 by itself.
THe B.C. R does not have the "Bend" thingy on it so that wont be a problem.
[I have never heard of A Kramer Striker? Sounds funny]

well if your friend is experienced and likes it than go for it....if you like the look and feel than buy it

btw: i personally hate warlocks...the look ugly + the slipknot guy uses it and i don't want to look like him!:)
hehehe bla. I rather use my warlock and tell people that the slipknot guy also uses it to show them what a real guitar player is like:D . People generally say that slipknot is crap for guitars after they see me perform DT's punish my heaven :D
"oh you got it without the wammy board? ok thats a good guitar to have then."

Yeah thats what it's called (The wammy bar). Right, it doesn't have one.

Personally I don't care about the look (Slipknot or whatever)
I care about the sound.
my first guitar was a squier strat :bah: pretty good guitar to learn on though, till you learn to play properly that is, good sound for the price, and confortable too...
i suppose it depends what your after, whether or not its just going to be a guitar thats easy to learn on with the idea that you'll get a better one once you get better, or a guitar that you want to use right through...
Originally posted by bleed for me

well if your friend is experienced and likes it than go for it....if you like the look and feel than buy it

btw: i personally hate warlocks...the look ugly + the slipknot guy uses it and i don't want to look like him!:)

The look is ugly, yes, and also evil :D. Instruments shouldnt be given a bad name just because Slpiknot sucks. if they wanna use something they dont know how to use (every instrument), then they can go right ahead. :lol:

BTW: Slipknot uses guitars? i thought they made everything with their mixer, cause i saw a clip of them live and they were all just standing around head banging to their music, heh. :lol:
Oh, what the hell! This thread has me waxing nostalgic about my guitars past and present, so here's Chris' guitar lineage in chronological order:

1. Applause acoustic,(Ovation's budget line. My Dad got it for me when I was 12. Damn thing had horrible action. The strings were about a eighth of an inch from the fretboard, BUT it helped my fingers develop real quickly and I deffinately appreciated every better guitar I have had since then)

2. Alvarez Yari acoustic,(I commandeered this away from my Dad. It was his guitar but after a year of playing the Applause I wanted a decent guitar. Played this one for years. Wish I still had her.)

3. Cort Effector electric,(After playing all acoustic for my first three years, I finally got a electric for Christmas in 1988. My parents ordered it from a Sears catalogue. It was mega-cheap and had buttons on the guitar you could push to get delay, distortion, flange, and wah - hence the name "Effector". It was horrid but I was damned proud to have it!)

4. Charvel electric,(A couple of years later, I managed to befriend a guy who owned a music store. I'd go to his store and play the latest Whitesnake solo or whatever was popular that week and basically sit around and show-off all day. Somehow, this helped him sell alot of guitars, so as a return favor he let me have this white Charvel I had taken a likening to for about a hundred bucks. I loved that thing! I had my senior pictures in High School taken with it. My parents still have those pics, I'll get them to scan one and I'll post it. It's really funny! But what I really wanted was a Ibanez.)

5. Fender Squire Strat,(There's a long story about this one but I won't go into it today. I learned how to setup a guitar with this one and I also swapped its' stock bridge single coil with a '68 re-issue pickup. It wasn't a bad little instrument at all. I had alot of good times with it.)

6. Harmony bass,(The cheapest, lousiest instrument I ever owned. I had decided to play bass for a couple of years in a band and this is the learner bass I got for $50.00 from a friend. It served its' purpose for about three months and was dumped for...)

7. 1974 Rickenbacker J-4000,(My deepest regret in my whole music career is that I don't own this bass anymore. It was so sweet. Soft action, very thin body, lightweight, and it had a felt mute in the bridge that could be raised and lowered, and when raised to a certain point it made the bass sound like a fretless. After I deemed my bass playing years over, I stupidly sold it. I'll regret that decision for the rest of my life.)

8. Washburn electric,(Don't remember the model but this was a mid-price range Washburn. It was blue with a faux pearl pick guard. Typical shred machine style with humbucker, single coil, humbucker pickup config. Anytime you touched the whammy bar it went way out of tune. Had a nice tone though. What I really wanted was a Ibanez.)

9. ? Strat Copy,(I don't even remember who made this guitar. I didn't have it long. I think it was Hammer's budget brand of guitars. It sucked, 'nuff said.)

10. 1993 Takamine Santa Fe Ltd. acoustic,(Well, here she is! My main axe, featured in my avatar pic over there. Believe it or not, I bought this guitar for $375.00. See, this kid had come here to Nashville from Oklahoma to become the next big Country star. Well, things didn't pan out for him and he got himself in alot of financial trouble. At the time, I had been looking for a new guitar. To make a long story short, I got him to sell me the Tak for the price mentioned above. This guitar and I have been inseperable ever since. We've got alot of miles behind us, many hours in many different studios, and lots of gigs. My best friend through thick and thin for the past six years.)

11. Ibanez RG550,(FINALLY GOT MY IBANEZ! Not that I play it much away from home. I still love this axe and have tons of fun making noise with it. I use it mainly as a arobics workout tool for my fingers. Bought this one used for $150.00 and broke it in on a studio session the day after I got it.)

12. Schecter Diamond Series Elite acoustic,(I bought this one to be the low-tuned guitar in my shows. A couple of weeks after I bought it, my best friend,(known here on the board as blakmetalemp) got his guitar stolen out of his truck. So, I let him have this one. I guess he'll still let me play it if I ask nice enough:D )

Well, that's all the guitars I've owned through the years. Hope I haven't put anyone to sleep with this. Just felt like getting it out of my system.
This is my shit ,,

Guitar - B.C Rich N.J Series Mockingbird ( blood red ) Floyd rose tremolo
Amp - Peavey Bandit 112
Effects - DOD Tech 4X , DE7 Ibanez delay pedal

Anyway yeah that's my gear ,,,,

B.C Rich is a good if you know a bit about guitar , but if your like buyin your first guitar buy somthin simple and fuck everything up and explore that ,,