
Mar 29, 2006
Warrensburg, MO
I just picked up an Art VLA comp today. Anybody use it? I've heard some decent things about it. For the money ($250) I had to check it out. I'm gonna be tracking drums, after the Chiefs playoff game tommorow. I'll probably throw it on OHs first, since it's two channel.
We've had an ice storm here, and the power has been off for three days, so I've only been able to use it for a couple hours. I'm pretty new to compression, and it really didn't do too much for me. I tried it on overheads, and it brought everything up. I really wanted to bring out the cymbals, but I got too much snare and whatnot so...I really don't know how to use it I guess:lol: , other than as maybe a limiter on vocals. I like to adjust attack and rel on my other comps, and this is a bummer on the vla. It only has fast and auto. I hear it is great on a 2 bus, but I mix/master in the box, so...It's like anything with me, discussions on equipment go in one ear and out the other. Then, when it's time to use one, I'm ready to listen.:lol: Any tips?