Artwork of new single (?)


...and even death may die
Feb 18, 2002
Pori (Finlandia)
ybod_sgl.jpg (this is for if that picture won't work)

It's :eek: if it is that!
Yeah I do speak french :)
The poem was written by some french hiphop band called "Manau", dunno if you heard of them, if not, leave it like that, you'll hate their music... But some songs remind me of a good holiday and some nice times, so I listen to them once in a while...
And the lyrics are not too bad as you can see... ;)
Well, I rewrote the poem a bit, but not too much... :p
i like it except for the way teh title is different, i think its about time CoB tried i different cover approach
Originally posted by ShaneBarnes1982
It's pretty cool, reminds me a little of Metallica - ...And Justice For All, I dont really know why.. I guess I see a resemblance between the figure on the cover and the justice statue on the cover of AJFA
I had exactly the same thoughts! :yow:
The artwork looks fine(better look great, cause that´s the reason the single got delayed :mad: )