As he Breathed his Last: New metal track. Guitar, bass, drums and vox.

I used an sm57. I'm new to vocals and my technique is still getting there.

Anything i could do to make them stand out better besides actually growling better(which im working on)?
I used the "multipressor" in Logic for the output. Should i change my settings or just ditch it all together?

I'm pretty clueless on compression. Any tips/settings would be appreciated.
use a very low ratio 2:1 or 3:1 at the most

it's all about hearing how your song reacts to it, but usually compress between -1 to -3dbs. sometimes -4, but like i said it depends. the purpose of having a master bus compressor is so that all your instruments "glue" together. listen for that when you start messing with your threshold. did that last part make sense?
Having them glue together makes sense... but im not really sure what to look for when changing the threshold?