as i lay dying drum matching


Oct 16, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
the drums on that song are are what like to call perfect. not too digital, not to boomy, they snap and are heavy. i think its all due to a nice guitar tone. maybe not your style but the mix is very basic as far as production. i decided to cover this mix to test myself out. i found i did very little work at all to the drums, just some transient destroying and subtractive notching... just a rough run through on guitars, nothing too tight.

any comments would be nice to hear. btw the guitar tone sounds like shit i know. working on buying ux1 - comes with podfarm.

i realized i accidentally switched the presets i made for guitars on the wrong guitar tracks, thats why the chords come in boomy/ lead is too crunchy..... whoops. fix later. preview.mp3
Not bad, everything's kind of 'thin' sounding though, and the drums themselves sound less dynamic than on the record. Cymbals are just whatever, but yeah.

Would help to get the intro rudiment programmed correctly, though ;).
yeah. cant seem to get my drums to sound beefy. i can do clean but not beefy.

i used superior if you couldnt tell...

i replaced kick 100%
clipped main snares transient off
inserted a snare sample via gog detuned..
destroyed bottom mic and some room.
thats about it really. no verbs. no room track, just 3 rooms on snare.

you think drums sound thin because of missing low end or top end? or because maybe i clipped to much on the snare? just curious to your tact instead of mine hahaha :tickled: