As I Lay Dying?

Skintrade said:
Another boring soul- and lifeless band that sucks ass


I went to a concert two weeks ago... Scarlet/The Black Dahlia Murder/As I Lay Dying/Everytime I Die... the only good band out of the three was The Black Dahlia Murder... well that was the only band I wanted to see anyway. The other bands are so alike and they suck. As I Lay Dying sucks... that's not even music... :err:
Not "Forever."

I analyzed that song, and it's pretty damn close to having a classical structure. Theme, variation, theme, variation, developmnet, new theme, new variations, old theme, know.
I think they suck and I am not into whiny bands alone especially when they are christian.
The Greys said:
I think they suck and I am not into whiny bands alone especially when they are christian.

... Because metalcore is even remotely whiny. Say they're generic all you want, but labeling them as whiny shows just how little you actually know.

The Greys said:

Way to edit out your lame-ass retort.