As of May 24 2007, my body mass index is 24.4


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

My height is 5 ft 10" and I weigh 170lb.

I am at the 35th percentile, meaning 65% of people are heavier than me.

According to this chart, I am of 'normal weight'.

However, a few weeks ago when I was 175lb, my BMI would have been 25.1 and I would have been considered OVERWEIGHT!?

Strangely still, my weight can plummet to a sickly 130lbs before my BMI drops to an UNDERWEIGHT category.

i need to lose about 20 lbs to be considered normal. apparently im overweight, yet people tell me all the time i look thinner than a year ago.

also, muscle weighs more than fat, and im buff
Last time I checked, my BF% was at 16.9. In a perfect world, I'd love to be at 10%, but I'm 38 and married. If I was single and felt that additional definition might help me with the ladies, perhaps I would cut. But as of now, it aint happening.
meh, I'm 185 lbs and 5'10". My index is probably too high, but I train a lot and I don't have that much fat on me.
BMI doesn't accurately measure lean mass, nor necessarily take into account body frame. I will freely admit to being overweight at this stage, but a year ago I was at 210 at 6'2" and seriously strong. By the BMI, I was still too heavy. Body fat percentage and general fitness mean a hell of a lot more than BMI.
BMI = 20.7.

Ironically, I just got my body fat % calculated yesterday at the gym and it's about 9.7%.

EDIT: 18th percentile. That means that 82% of the population are fatter than I. Lovely.
BMI is fucking retarded. What a crock.

And abs are generally defined at 10% ...most people are a helluva lot higher bf% than they think they are.

yeah this "calculator" doesn't mean anything. It says I'm horribly overweight, but I'm a pretty regular 6'3'' 225lb 18 year old that wears size "large" shirts. i was once horribly overweight, but no longer...
If I loose ONE POUND I'll be NO LONGER overweight according to this MASSIVELY RETARDED calculator!

maybe if I loose that one pound women will see how ripped I really am and then I'll start nailing broads by the many ten-thousands.