As of May 24 2007, my body mass index is 24.4

Last time I checked my BF% is was around 16.5%, but that was months ago as my current gym has nothing to measure it. I used one of those scales that you stand on with bare feet and it sends some signal through your body, or something. They did seem to fluctuate quite considerably and unexpectedly (1-2% either way) from week to week though, so I wasn't terribly convinced about how accurate they were.

My gym has the same machine, but even they don't have any faith in it. What's even more peculiar is that the 2 NYSC gyms I've been two, NEITHER have the calipers to take this measurement.

When joining a gym, I really thought this caliper measuring device was just a given!
i don't know what mine is...but i do know i'm in the best ass kicking shape i've been in a long time.

and i partly have naked protein juice smoothies to thank for that! and for that, well, i have to thank jerry for the introduction :kickass: