Asesino & Belphegor on Blackest of the Black tour.....


Jul 31, 2005
Las Vegas
Well I saw them both yesterday. Good show. I mean yes Danzig, Lacuna Coil, and The Haunted(well the new material anyway) all suck. Tickets was $35 and kinda expensive being that i only went to see Asesino & Belphegor but it was worth it. We barely get good death/black shows in vegas plus I had never seen Belphegor and I been a fan of them since 2001. Both(Asesino & Belphegor) put on a very intense show despite the mediocre sound. Fucking Danzig obviously had to hog all the sound for himself. I like a few songs from Danzig but none of the well known songs were played at all. I'm surprised here in Vegas alot of black/death metal fans only came for Asesino and Belphegor and left after they were done. I did see some of Lacuna Coil's set and i had never been soo bored in my life. Only thing good about them is how pretty their vocalist is. < I know others will bash me for that comment! The Haunted didn't play anything old at all. Very dispointing. I used to enjoy "Made me do it " album alot.
What would you say is Belphegor's best disc? Thanks.


It would either be "Pestapokalypse VI" or "Goatreich Fleshcult." They are the two newest albums and they both slay. They will be touring the states with Unleashed, Krisiun and Hatesphere early next year. I can't wait for that.
Insert Royal Carnage/weirdo joke here:
LOL. Actually, a couple of ProgPower regulars (DarkTide and Dark One) and I are hitting Wacken this year and Belphegor are playing. And since I'm guessing you and Shane are probably going to try to lock them up for the pre-party, I figured I better get familiar with their material.

The Blackest of the black tour is such a joke. Every year they have a massive lineup planned, it fails. The other years feature a bunch of mediocre bands and a limit of 3 to 5 dates. That's not a tour. The best part of this year was a chance to see Belphegor, but I'm sure their presence was overshadowed by Danzig and Lacuna Coil. I'll always love both of those bands, but I just have 0 interest in The Haunted these days. Asesino? I have been reading about this band since Fear Factory "broke up" a few years back, but figured this band would always be an "in the works" band rather a touring band, with an album finally out. I hope it was worth the hubub for the openers :p. I would've paid the same if the Mayhem lineup didn't fail a few years back, haha! Cheers!!
The new Belphegor also comes in a limited edition ammo box with food rations and all kinds of shit in it. Their last one came with a gas mask. Both very creative ideas to accompany their cds.