The Haunted

Mar 13, 2006
Tacoma WA
Any comments on the new cd from The Haunted? One of my personal favorite bands and I think the CD is killer, although I've heard and seen it getting ripped because it is a little bit of a departure for them in places. I think it rocks and I'm pumped to see them tomorrow night on the "Blackest of the Black" tour, which actually isn't very black. Not exactly lightweight, but you can certainly go blacker than Asesino, Belphegor, Lacuna Coil, The Haunted, and Danzig.

Anyways, let me know what you think and I'll let you know how the show goes. :rock: :rock:
Yeah, Ive only heard one song, and was definitely something new. Wasnt a fan of the lat album at all, but the Haunted have always been a fave of mine, so I might have to give it a chance.
Papa Josh, that's what I like most about you, I never have to try to read between the lines when you say something. Whatever your opinion is, you throw it out there. :) :)

To me they seem to be one of those "love them or hate them" bands, there aren't too many people who sit on the fence with The Haunted. Like I said I love the new CD and they put on a hell of a show, easily the most entertaining performance of the night last Friday. Just needed to be on stage longer.