The Haunted--your Thoughts....

And yes, I'd prefer some old-school thrash, but times have changed...we got plenty of other bands doing old-school thrash. Metallica might as well try something new and see if it works. I think it did to a certain degree...somewhere in the "pretty good" St. Anger is a 45-minute METAL FUCKING CLASSIC struggling to get out.
Pyrus said:
I think it did to a certain degree...somewhere in the "pretty good" St. Anger is a 45-minute METAL FUCKING CLASSIC struggling to get out.

DepthCharge said:
It's funny. I had no idea that my not liking The Haunted would be so controversial. It's funny how if someone disagrees with liking a certain band how metalheads don't respect the differing opinion. Instead they call a person dumb or not metal. For being the most intelligent form of music on earth, i'm suprised at the intolerance shown on these kinds of forums. It's sad really.....I never said "the Haunted sucks ass and if you like em you're gay.". I mean come on........

Dude, its just a game.... you're being toyed with and falling for it hook, line and sinker.....

St. Anger on the other hand....... so what happened to all our Metallica fans that were talking trash before they got turned out by their own band??:Spin:

Move To California You Dirtbags!!!!

Enough Of These Bum Fuck Eygpy States!!!!

Oregon???come On!!!! Isn't Marriage Legal At 12..and Sex With The First Cousin Is Okay??

Isn't Having More Than Five Teeth A Misdemeanor??

I Heard They Don't Have Moving Trucks In Oregon. You Just Hook Up Your Trailer To The Back Of Someone's Pickup!

Flannel Shirts Are In Fashion 365 Days A Year..every Year There.

I Heard The Local Hooker Is Also The Local Nun In Most Towns.
Please , no more people in Cali , LA is already the pit of hell and traffic gets worse every day........ Dirt , tell people to move back to their states or countries!! :grin:
If you like living in that shithole I fondly call LA then be my guest Dirt. I personally don't want to live somewhere that I have to spend about 30% of my lifetime in a traffic jam breathing other people's exhaust. BTW how's the "marine layer"? That cracks me up when I'm down there..people call the brown stink that resides over the city a "marine layer"!

Hey you wear flannel all year long? How about you Depth Charge? I love all my flannels..I have one for every day of the week...flannel is our friend up here in the fashion challenged Pacific Northwest. As for the toothless and marrying siblings..I think you're talking about Arkansas..I think that's quite popular down there, Besides...most of the people that live here are from southern what's your take on that Dirt?

mmmmmm flanel<sounding like Homer>
MindInsane said:
If you like living in that shithole I fondly call LA then be my guest Dirt. I personally don't want to live somewhere that I have to spend about 30% of my lifetime in a traffic jam breathing other people's exhaust. BTW how's the "marine layer"? That cracks me up when I'm down there..people call the brown stink that resides over the city a "marine layer"!

mmmmmm flanel<sounding like Homer>

Haha, that's so true about the Marine Layer MI .... it's a poisonous SMOG cloud is what it is !! I've lived here my whole life and seen this place get more and more crowded every year. I'm not saying I'm gonna move to Oregon, (which is where my grandfather moved because he hates LA too) , but I definately plan on moving from LA within the next few years or sooner. I would miss the concerts that come through here though ..... maybe I should move to the bay area ! :cool:
That's "homeless," dude. The gay guys are pretty much just kinda...there. Sometimes it's hard to tell, since they don't do anything out of the ordinary...except on Pride Day. Then, they all go psycho with the bondage suits and weird costumes and...yeah, it's really just too crazy to describe. If you're ever in San Francisco on Pride Day, I suggest hiding.