ask enchant your questions

A song can be a doorway to one's soul, opening it up for criticism, is there any reluctance to show those types of feelings?

Do members of the band ever look out upon the audience at a show and wonder if we "really get it" ?
Ask them how they feel about some of the less talked about songs in their catalog(mainly Catharsis, Nighttime Sky, Pure, Broken, Mettle Man, Black Eyes And Broken Glass, Colors Fade, My Everafter, and Hold The Wind) and their opinions on them. I'd like to know the inspiration behind a lot of these and why they don't break them out in the live set every now and then(this doesn't really apply to Everafter and Hold The Wind I guess since they're so recent). Also, who comes up with the vocal melodies? They have some of the best and most creative I've ever heard.

Look forward to hearing the answers!
have you heard about many fans from faraway/small places? ( I come from Iceland by the way and no-one knows you.. i assume)
are you big in Japan? mmm...South America?