Ask Kourtney

~*Kutie Kourtney*~

New Metal Member
Jul 22, 2002
A place in Canada
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Ah, not only am I doing a sociology project but a psychology one too, so I'm designing this thread to help me, help you...all u have to do is ask me anything u need help on, and I'll answer it to the best of my abilities....don't be shy:)
to be honest with you, I'm not that big of a heavy metal person, my ex boyfriend was, and I listened to it, he told me about this website and he thought as a nice thing to do he would register me, and he did and i figured i may as well try it out and see what it's like and so far, I'm just thinking of unregistering.....which i'm sure will make most of u happy
some do it because they can, it's easy to, some do it cause they're uncomfortable with their real age, some do it cause they like someone whos older or younger, so they lie and make up an age that's closer to theirs....girls aren't the only ones who do it though....
well obviously she'll find out, just like if I lie, eventually the guy is going to find out, but when u meet someone for the first time, u don't always think ahead and see urself with them in however many years from now, it all depends on the person and how comfortable they are with they're age...

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